Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Survey of Puerto Rican culture on the island from the prehispanic era to the 20th century. Special emphasis will be placed on the change of sovereignty in 1898, the national question, class and culture, and migration. A Ant 146Z and A Lcs 150Z are writing intensive versions of A Ant 146 and A Lcs 150; only one of the four courses may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
A Ant 146Z and A Lcs 150Z are writing intensive versions of A Ant 146 and A Lcs 150; only one of the four courses may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to ideas in the social sciences and humanities pertaining to the central place of symbolic behavior in human evolution, human nature, and contemporary human communities. Comparative perspective, including both Western and non-Western materials. Opportunity for fieldwork in the local community. A Ant 160Z is the writing intensive version of A Ant 160; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
A Ant 160Z is the writing intensive version of A Ant 160; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
What is the "self"? Individual and social diversity are considered cross-culturally, in conjunction with personal identity, class, nationality, and ethnicity. Implications for the students' own lives are discussed, as well as questions of freedom and authority in America.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the study of folklore as an aspect of culture, symbolically expressing people's identity, beliefs and values. The focus is on oral text traditions-myths, folktales, and legends. Topics in folk custom and ritual, folk music and folk art are also included. Includes folklore from Western and non-Western cultures. Only one of A Ant 175 and A Rel 175 may be taken for credit.
1.00 Credits
Students who are concurrently registered in any 100- or 200-level anthropology course, may with permission of the instructor of that course, enroll in A Ant 189Z and fulfill a writing intensive version of that other course. The writing intensive version will involve: 1) a body of written work beyond that normally required by the companion course, 2) opportunities for students to receive assistance in progress, and 3) an opportunity for students to revise some pieces.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Study of a selected topic in anthropology. May be repeated for credit when topic differs. Consult class schedule for specific topic.
3.00 Credits
Biological variation in human populations, with emphasis on genetics, adaptability, demography and related aspects of population dynamics. Two lectures and one lab per week. Prerequisite(s): A Ant 110 or A Bio 110Z.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the study of language, including examination of the characteristics and structural principles of natural language. After exploring the basic characteristics of sound, word formation and sentence structure, these principles are applied to such topics as: language variation, language change, psycholinguistics, pragmatics, and animal communication. Only one of A Ant 220, A Lin 220, & A Eng 217 may be taken for credit.
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