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3.00 Credits
This course will examine primary texts in translation from Confucius' Analects to 20th century political propaganda in an effort to trace the origins and evolution of the ideas that formed the samurai ethic in Japan. Course taught in English; no knowledge of Chinese or Japanese necessary.
3.00 Credits
Practical instruction in the artistic design and the different styles of written Chinese and Japanese with the traditional implements: brush, rice paper, ink plate and ink bar. Knowledge of Chinese or Japanese is not required.
3.00 Credits
This course examines China's four great twentieth century revolutions: the 1911 Revolution, the 1949 Communist Revolution, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, and the reforms of the 1980's and 1990's. Topics include authority and dissent, constituency mobilization, the relationship between urban and rural regions, and the changing nature of ideology in China.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the major religious traditions of Japan, particularly Shinto and Buddhism, this course will cover the major forms of religious expression in Japanese history from the earliest historical records to the so-called New Religions which arose in the twentieth century. Discussion will include the philosophical, artistic, social, and political dimensions of religion in Japanese society.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the story of Buddhism in South Asia. Focus is on the evolution of the Buddhist view of sentient life during its first 1500 years on the subcontinent as expressed primarily in doctrine, but cultural, artistic, social, and political issues will also be considered.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the heritage of Buddhism in East Asia. Focus is on the cultural interaction between Indian Buddhist notions of the human condition and the traditional religious and philosophical assumptions of China and Japan. Discussion will center on doctrine and the history of its transmission and understanding, including issues in language, artistic expression, and the establishment of the monastic community.
3.00 Credits
Female persona in East Asian literature will be examined in relation to their cultural background as well as the genres in which they appear. Women as rulers and lovers; as goddesses and prostitutes; exemplars and shrews. Conducted in English; no knowledge of the East Asian languages or cultures is required. Only one of A Eas 270 & A Wss 270 may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
This course will explore the human dimensions and implications of ethnic diversity in the United States, focusing on New York City. The course utilizes a variety of methods to introduce students to the multicultural city, beginning in the classroom but ending with fieldwork in a specific New York neighborhood. A Eas 321 is equivalent in content to A Lcs 321 and A Gog 321; only one of the three courses may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Gog 102 or 102Z; or A Gog 120Z, or A Gog 125, A Gog 160 or 160Z; or A Gog 220, or A Gog 240. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
This is a discussion course that looks at ethical issues of contemporary significance to the cultures of Asia. Students read contemporary academic discussions of how problems such as suicide, euthanasia, abortion, sexuality, cloning, etc. have been understood historically and in terms of contemporary social morality in India, China, Tibet, and Japan.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the religious, philosophical, and artistic tradition of Zen Buddhism in China, Korea, and Japan and the West. This course looks at the birth and subsequent historical evolution of the Zen or Ch'an school of Buddhism in East Asia. We will look at the intersection of Buddhist and Chinese presumptions about spirituality that gave rise to this unusual religious form, discussing precisely what is and is not iconoclastic about its tenets. The experience of American Zen communities will also be considered.
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