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3.00 Credits
This course is a survey of China's historical development from prehistory to the founding of the Ming Dynasty in the fourteenth century. We will concern ourselves especially with the transformation of Chinese social structure over time, the relations between the state and the social elite, and the relationship between China's intellectual, political, and social histories. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing, or 3 credits in East Asian Studies or History. A Eac 379Z is the writing intensive version of A Eac 379; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
A Eac 379Z is the writing intensive version of A Eac 379; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
This course is a survey of China's history during the late imperial and modern periods. It begins with the founding of the Ming dynasty in the late 14th century and concludes with the present day. Of particular interest is the interplay of political, social, and intellectual history during this period. Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior class standing, or 3 credits in East Asian Studies or History.
3.00 Credits
A Eac 380Z is the writing intensive version of A Eac 380; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
This course will focus on a selected topic or major work of traditional or modern Chinese literature or history for intensive study. This course is conducted solely in English; knowledge of Chinese is not required. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. Prerequisite(s): A Eas 103 or A Eac 170 or A Eac 210 or A Eac 211 or A Eac 212 or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
This class surveys Chinese poetry written in traditional verse forms, beginning with works from the Book of Poetry (600 BC) and concluding in the eighteenth century. Major poets will include Qu Yuan, Du Fu, Li Bo, and Su Shi. The course will begin with the major linguistic and rhetorical elements of Chinese poetry and proceed to introduce elements of traditional Chinese poetics. No knowledge of Chinese is required. All readings and discussions will be in English. Prerequisite(s): Any one of the following courses: A Eas 103, A Eac 170, A Eac 210, or A Eac 211.
3.00 Credits
A seminar on Chinese painting during the Sung and Yüan Dynasties (960-1368) with research into selected paintings. The course will combine a detailed survey of painting during this period with examination of selected topics such as the rise of literati painting, Court painting as government art, and painting as political expression during the Sung-Yüan transition. Prerequisite(s): A Eac 180/A Arh 281 or A Eac/A Arh 280 and permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
After introducing the history and aesthetics of the Chinese theater, this course will concentrate on reading and discussing pieces of Yuan Zaju Drama, Ming Chuanqi Opera, Peking/Beijing Opera, and Chinese shadow plays. Knowledge of the Chinese language is NOT necessary. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level course (other than language courses) from either the Department of East Asian Studies or the Theater Department, or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the dramatic change that China underwent between the eighth and the fourteenth centuries. We will examine this transformation from several historical perspectives: political history, economic history, social history, intellectual history, and cultural history in order to better understand China's shift from aristocratic to literati society. Prerequisite(s) A Eac 379, A His 379, A His 177, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
This class examines the international orders in place in Asia from the days of nineteenth-century imperialism to the search for a twenty-first century post-Cold War order. The focus will be on political, cultural, and economic interactions among the three main East Asian powers: China, Japan, and the US. Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior class standing.
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