Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Students will learn the fundamentals of integrated communication strategies and how they can be applied effectively to present and advance business, organizations, products, and issues. Topics covered include the basics of communication theory; the importance of clearly evaluating and defining organization objectives as the foundation of communication planning activities; how branding decisions affect a communication campaign, etc. Prerequisite(s): A Com 265, and junior or senior class standing.
3.00 Credits
A Com 410Y is the oral discourse version of A Com 410; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
This course examines how individuals negotiate their relationships with organizations - primarily as employees of organizations, but also as consumers of services offered by organizations. Topics include organizational controls, employee identification and resistance, and the management of work and personal-life interrelationships, including the impact of new information and communication technologies. Organizations are considered as sources of identity, sites for entertainment and socializing, sites for enacting spirituality and religion, sources of social relationships and support, and substitutes for different aspects of family (e.g., mentor-parents; co-worker spouses).??Only one of TCOM250Z and ACOM412/Z can be taken for credit. May not be taken by students with credit for topics courses, "The Individual and the Organization" and "Interacting with Organizations.
3.00 Credits
A Com 412Z is the writing intensive version of A Com 412. Only? one of T Com 250Z and A Com412/Z can be taken for credit. May not be taken by students with credit for topics courses, "The Individual and the Organization" and "Interacting with Organizations.
3.00 Credits
This course combines the study of theories of persuasive communication with the practice of persuasive communication campaign. Through readings, lectures, and classroom activities, students will become acquainted with the nature of persuasion, and then apply the concepts in practical exercises. The goals are to develop an understanding of the nature of persuasion, theoretical approaches to influence, managing campaigns, measurement and research design in persuasion, free and paid communication modalities, and using mass media in public relations campaigns. Prerequisite(s): A Com 265, and junior or senior class standing.
3.00 Credits
This course provides students with an understanding of the communication strategies and challenges in social protest. By the end of the course, students should understand different goals and forms of activism, communication challenges for each, and issues regarding mainstream and alternative media. Students will also become familiar with specific social movements, and their various communication strategies. Prerequisite(s):?A Com 265,?and junior or senior class standing.
3.00 Credits
Course applies principles of persuasion to understanding communication on the World Wide Web. Students create a website using an HTML editor to advance an argument, and use persuasion theory to determine quality and credibility of information found online. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A Com 430Z is the writing intensive version of A Com 430; only one may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
Study of a selected topic in communication theory; e.g., nonverbal communication, consistency theory, or mass communication. May be repeated for a total of 15 credits with changes in topic. Prerequisite(s): A Com 265, and junior or senior class standing.
3.00 Credits
Intermediate-level study of research strategies, design of experiments, and field methods in human communication.? Prerequisite(s): A Com 100. Statistics course recommended.
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