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3.00 Credits
Foundations of the physical principles and their application to biochemical systems. Topics include: first and second laws of thermodynamics, application of these to chemical reactions and equilibria, and molecular motion and transport phenomena. Only one of A Chm 350 or A Chm 444 may be taken for credit towards a degree. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 221, A Phy 150; A Mat 214 recommended.
3.00 Credits
Foundations of the physical principles and their application to biochemical systems. Topics include: transport phenomena and sedimentation and electrophoresis, chemical and biochemical kinetics, chemical quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy. Only one of A Chm 351 or A Chm 445 may be taken for credit towards a degree.? Prerequisite(s): A Chm 350 or A Chm 444 or consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
The lab will provide the basics for protein purification, protein characterization, and DNA manipulation through the use of chromatographic, electrophoretic, and spectroscopic tools of biochemistry and biophysics. One class period, two laboratory periods each week. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 221 and A Chm 223; co-requisites: A Chm 350, A Chm 442, A Chm 443.
3.00 Credits
This introductory course combines a series of seminars, lectures, and laboratories which focus on current topics and analytical methods utilized in today's modern forensic laboratories. Seminars in Forensic Chemistry will include topics such as: Introduction to Criminalistics, Ethical Dilemmas, and Computer-Assisted Data Analysis. Lecture and laboratory courses will include: Microscopy, Drug Chemistry, Questioned Documents, Toxicology, Latent Prints, Trace- and Firearms/Tool-marks. Various analytical methods currently being used in modern forensic laboratories will be performed utilizing chromatography (TLC, GC, CG/MSD, etc.) and liquid/liquid extractions. One lecture and two laboratory periods each week. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 225 and A Chm 430 or consent of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of A Chm 450. This course combines a series of advanced seminars, lectures and laboratories in Forensic Chemistry. Topics such as: public speaking on technical and non-technical subjects, as well as courtroom testimony, will be covered. Lecture and laboratory topics will include: DNA, Quantitative Methodologies in Drug Chemistry and Toxicology, as well as Advanced Statistical Methods such as: chi-square tests, multiple regression and correlation, nonparametric statistics and analytical variances. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 450 or consent of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Students will have the opportunity to acquire practical "hands-on" experience in forensic chemistry by participating as an intern in the work of an agency, institution, or corporation other than the University. The student's work will be supervised and evaluated by a designated individual at the internship site. This supervisor will provide an evaluation of the student's work to the University at Albany faculty member who is the instructor of record for final assessment and gradinStudents majoring in chemistry with a forensic chemistry emphasis may apply to the Department of Chemistry for permission to enroll in this course. Admission to the Forensic Chemistry Internship course will be dependent upon the acceptability of the candidate to the Department of Chemistry and the host institution or agency. Among the criteria used by these agencies will be completion of A Chm 450 and a possible background check of the applicant. Enrollment in the course is limited in number in order to provide substantial individual hands-on training, and therefore is determined on a competitive basis. Application to the program must be made six months in advance of the beginning of the proposed internship. S/U graded.
3.00 Credits
The geometry and structure of crystalline solids and methods of importance in their investigation. Internal and external symmetry properties as a consequence of atomic types and bonding possibilities: lattice types and space groups, x-ray diffraction, and optical techniques. This course will include real-time demonstrations and practical crystallographic work, including the opportunity to work on a provided structural experiment or a crystal from an undergraduate research project. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to basic theory and general applications of spectroscopic methods in biophysics and biochemistry. Discussion will be based on classical and quantum mechanical approach. Topics include: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, and vibrational spectroscopy; determination of structure by diffraction and scattering techniques. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 350 and 351 or A Phy 450, and Consent of instructor.
2.00 Credits
Discussion of modern methods of organic structure determination such as multinuclear NMR and 2D-NMR techniques, IR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. Interpretation and correlation of spectral results in order to assign structures of organic, biological, and related molecules. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 221 and A Chm 223 and consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Empirical and theoretical treatment of reaction rates and reaction mechanisms; experimental techniques. Emphasis on reactions in solutions, complex reactions, enzyme kinetics, homogeneous catalysis (enzymatic and nonenzymatic), and transition state theory. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 351, A Mat 214, A Phy 240 and consent of instructor.
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