Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Experimental illustration of physical principles and introduction to instrumentation. Techniques of physical measurements, treatment of experimental data and generalization of results to illustrate the fundamental principles. One class period, one laboratory period each week. Co-requisite(s) or prerequisite(s): A Chm 320. Does not yield credit toward the B.S. major in chemistry.
3.00 Credits
The chemistry and biochemical interrelationship of carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids; enzyme catalysis and introduction to metabolism. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 215or 221. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
1.00 Credits
Experiments illustrating the fundamentals of biochemistry as discussed in A Chm 342. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 222; co-requisite(s) or prerequisite(s): A Chm 342. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
Mathematical description of physiochemical systems and their interpretation in terms of thermodynamics, kinetic theory, reaction rates and statistical mechanics. Atomic and molecular structure from the viewpoint of quantum theory with special emphasis on bonding and spectra. Only one of A Chm 350 or A Chm 444 may be taken for credit towards a degree.? Prerequisite(s): A Chm 221, A Phy 150; A Mat 214 recommended.
3.00 Credits
A continuation of A Chm 350. The course contains the principles of Chemical Kinetics, Quantum Theory and Spectroscopy. Topics include the rate laws, systems displaying complex kinetics, enzyme catalysis, Atomic Structure, Molecular Structure, Microwave, Raman, Infrared and Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy, and Statistical Mechanics. Only one of A Chm 351 or A Chm 445 may be taken for credit towards a degree.? Prerequisite(s): A Chm 350 or A Chm 444 or consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
The experimental understanding of the basic principles of physical chemistry and development of familiarity with instrumentation. Includes experiments on the electrical properties of solutions, chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, microcalorimetry and computer experiments in molecular orbital theory. The course also includes instruction on searching the chemical literature, data processing, and writing laboratory reports. One lecture and two laboratory periods each week. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 225; co-requisite or prerequisite: A Chm 350.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Intensive examination of emerging trends in chemistry from the chemical literature.? New information emerging from recent studies will be stressed.? May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the language of BASIC and the use of microcomputing in chemistry. The topics included in the course are the Windows Operating System, numerical methods associated with chemical computations, and instruction in the use of PC-based applications programs. These applications consist of general utility (productivity) programs, chemical structure drawing programs, molecular viewing and molecular modeling programs and quantum chemistry programs. Also included in the course is an introduction to Combinatorial Chemistry and Bioinformatics. Prerequisite(s) or co-requisite(s): A Chm 320 or 350 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the language of Fortran and the use of mainframe and microcomputing in chemistry. The topics included in the course are the UNIX Operating System, numerical methods associated with chemical computations, and instruction in the use of mainframe and PC-based applications programs. These applications consist of molecular modeling programs, molecular dynamics programs, and quantum, chemistry programs. Also included in the course is an introduction to Hartree-Fock theory, Density Functional Theory, Quantitative Structure Activity Relations (QSAR), Rational Drug design, statistical methods in drug design, Combinatorial Chemistry and Bioinformatics. Prerequisite(s) or Co-requisite(s): A Chm 320 or 350 or consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Experimental investigation of advanced syntheses of organic and inorganic compounds including their separation and analysis. The development of skills and understanding for the application of complex procedures and methods common in current practice. One class period, two laboratory periods each week. Prerequisite(s): A Chm 223.
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