Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Continuation of work undertaken in A Cas 109 or equivalent with emphasis placed upon the completion of experiments in consultation with mentors. Students will consult with their teachers as necessary, but will not meet in a formal classroom period. Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of A Cas 109 or completion of two years of an approved science research course at the high school level; permission of instructor; may not be taken by students enrolled in college; offered summer session only.
4.00 Credits
Continuation of work undertaken in A Cas 110 or equivalent with emphasis placed upon the communication of results. Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week outside of class. Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of A Cas 110 or completion of two years of an approved science research course at the high school level; permission of instructor; may not be taken by students enrolled in college; students must be enrolled throughout an entire academic year to obtain credit.
2.00 Credits
Students learn research methodology in the natural and social sciences. Students access scientific databases by using on-line bibliographic search techniques, consult doctoral level research scholars, develop hypotheses and perform experiments to test them, and write research papers and make presentations at scientific symposia. In this course emphasis is placed upon performing experiments and the communication of results. Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week working on class work outside of class. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): completion of A Cas 111.
3.00 Credits
Major works in English translation from literatures of ancient Mediterranean (Judaic, Graeco-Roman), China, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and francophone world. The first-semester course feeds into the second-semester course, but either semester may be taken alone. The course is team taught by faculty from the respective literature departments. May not be offered during 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
Major works in English translation from more recent literatures of Hebrew, China, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and francophone worlds. The first semester course feeds into the second semester course, but either semester may be taken alone. The course is team taught by faculty from the respective literature departments. May not be offered during 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
This course will look at the visual arts produced in selected subcultures and will consider the ways in which such social identities as race, class, gender and age are represented. The course focuses on the relationship of artists and their work to cultural and critical history, on social conditions under which these artists create, and the effect of these conditions on the themes, content, forms and shape of the reality in their art.? ?
3.00 Credits
Through film drama, fiction and philosophy, this team-taught course will focus generally on the inner and outer dynamics of the individual as he/she interacts with the world and culture, and will take up such issues as the authority of reason versus the authority of the passions; personal responsibility versus allegiance to society; wealth as redemption and corruption; finding one's personal myth; and gender identity and the quest for happiness. May not be offered during 2008-2009.
1.00 - 15.00 Credits
A full- or part-time program involving academic study through classes, individualized instruction and written projects, and supervised applied experiences structured around the Institute's theatrical productions and its residencies in New York State schools. These internships emphasize interdisciplinary learning about the arts in society, in the education of children, and the arts' aesthetic, technical, and business aspects . Internships are open only to qualified juniors and seniors who have an overall grade point average of 2.50 or higher . Open to qualified majors in diverse fields or undeclared majors through a competitive selection process. Applications should be made to the Arts and Sciences faculty coordinator by November 1 or April 1 for the following terms. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. S/U graded.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Special group studies which provide students and faculty with the opportunity to explore, on an advanced level, significant themes, issues, and problems from a broadly humanistic and interdisciplinary perspective. A Cas 497Z is the writing intensive version of 497; A Cas 497 and/or 497Z may be repeated for credit provided the topic differs. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to chemistry emphasizing its applications to problems in modern society, consumer goods, and life-related topics. Lecture and demonstration only. Does not yield credit toward the major or minor in chemistry.
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