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3.00 Credits
Designed for undergraduate students not pursuing the B.S. in Atmospheric Science. Topics include air pollution criteria standards and regulations, basic air pollution monitoring (including quality assurance), simple statistical analysis of data, and pollutant transport, transformation and deposition. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 111 or 112 or 118; A Phy 108 or 150 or 151. Offered alternate Spring semesters; will next be offered in Spring 2010.
3.00 Credits
A Atm 304Z is writing intensive version of A Atm 304; only one may be taken for credit. Offered alternate spring semesters; will next be offered in Spring 2010.
3.00 Credits
The physical basis of climate and climate variability from a coupled atmosphere-ocean perspective. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the causes of regional climate differences and regional climate variability and the role that the global atmosphere and oceans play in the process. Prerequisite(s): A Atm 211; co-requisite(s): A Atm 315. Offered alternate Fall semesters; will next be offered in Fall 2009.
3.00 Credits
Chemical principles and concepts leading to understanding the composition and change in the chemical/atmospheric environment; sources and links of chemical constituents; chemistry of the troposphere and stratosphere; measurement and theory of greenhouse gases; global pollution and ozone depletion. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 111 or 112 or 118; A Phy 108 or 150 or 151; A Chm 121. Offered alternate Spring semesters. Will next be offered in Spring 2009.
3.00 Credits
A Atm 307Z is the writing intensive version of A Atm 307; only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 111 or 112 or 118; A Phy 108 or150, A Chm 120 or 130. Offered alternate Spring semester. Will next be offered Spring 2009.
4.00 Credits
Continuation of Atm 211, with emphasis on severe and hazardous weather analysis and forecasting, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, downbursts, derechoes, hail, flash floods, hurricanes, winter storms, blizzards, blocking weather patterns, floods and drought; introduction to weather analysis software and weather display systems; commercial meteorology. Prerequisite(s): A Atm 211. S/U grading prohibited. Fall semester only.
3.00 Credits
Important topics in atmospheric and geophysical science are studied using various analytical and numerical techniques. Description and analysis of specific but disparate geophysical phenomena will expose the student the frequent application of certain mathematical and statistical approaches used to expound the underlying physical principles. Prerequisite(s): A Atm 210 or 210Z; A Mat 214, 311; (the latter recommended as a prerequisite; acceptable as co-requisite); Phy 150 or 151. Fall semester only.
3.00 Credits
Equation of state; principles of thermodynamics; water vapor and moist air thermodynamics; changes of phase and latent heat; hydrostatic equilibrium; atmospheric convection; thermodynamic diagrams; atmospheric stability and severe weather events. Prerequisite(s): A Atm 210 (or 210Z), 315; A Mat 214; A Phy 150 or 151; Co-requisite: A Atm 321. Spring semester only.
4.00 Credits
Atmospheric physics, including radiation, optics, and visibility; atmospheric electricity; cloud and aerosol physics; acoustics; upper atmospheric processes; radar meteorology. Three lectures and one lab discussion per week. Prerequisite(s): A Atm 315; A Phy 240 or 241; Co-requisite: A Atm 320. Spring semester only.
3.00 Credits
Basic exposition of principles involved in the measurement of primary meteorological and environmental parameters. Topics to be covered include measurement uncertainty and the propagation of errors. Instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, humidity, wind field, solar and terrestrial radiation, precipitation, atmospheric aerosols, soil moisture, water quality, and data logging will be examined. Two lectures and one laboratory or demonstration per week. Prerequisites: A Mat 113 or 119; A Phy 105 or 140 or 141.
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