Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Elementary survey of the properties and geophysical phenomena of the upper atmosphere; ionosphere, magnetosphere, and interplanetary space, ionospheric and magnetic storms; aurora and airglow; observational techniques including rockets and satellites. Does not yield credit toward the B.S. in atmospheric science. Three lectures per week. Fall semester only.
3.00 Credits
Study of the role of science in creating, defining, evaluating, and resolving major issues relating to energy production and its use and impact on the physical environments; case studies of such issues as change in climate, air pollution, the fluorocarbon/ozone link, etc. Three lectures per week. Does not yield credit toward the B.S. in atmospheric science. Spring semester only.
3.00 Credits
Introductory survey of the physical, chemical, geological, and biological processes in the marine environment; promise and problems of the oceans as a natural resource. Does not yield credit toward the B.S. in atmospheric science. Three lectures each week.
1.00 Credits
Issues from the current literature in selected areas of atmospheric science. Particular areas of study to be announced each term. Intended for students interested in exploring in depth themes covered in large lecture courses. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. S/U graded. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
4.00 Credits
Technical survey of the atmosphere with application of elementary physical and mathematical concepts to the horizontal and vertical structure of the atmosphere; planetary, regional and local circulations; atmospheric radiation; precipitation physics and thermodynamics. Three lectures and one discussion/lab period per week. Prerequisites: A Mat 111 or 112 or 118; A Phy 108 or 150 or 151. Fall semester only.
4.00 Credits
A Atm 210Z is writing intensive version of A Atm 210; only one may be taken for credit. Fall semester only. Three lectures and one discussion/lab period per week.
4.00 Credits
Physical principles and empirical methods of weather analysis and forecasting, with emphasis on synoptic, regional and local weather systems; introduction to use and interpretation of observed weather data, satellite imagery, temperature and precipitation processes, soundings and stability; use of computer forecast guidance models and products of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Prerequisite(s): A Atm 210 (or Atm 210Z) or permission of instructor. S/U grading prohibited. Spring semester only.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
By advisement only and may be repeated once for credit. S/U graded. Fall or Spring semesters.
3.00 Credits
Discussion of solar energy technology, including solar energy measurement and distribution; direct use of the sun's energy; solar architecture; energy from wind, tides, waves, currents, and salinity gradients; biomass and geothermal energy; energy use, conservation, and other major environmental issues. Prerequisite(s): 6 credits in mathematics including one course in calculus; A Phy 108, or 150, or 151; junior or senior class standing. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the water cycle and its interactions with the earth and atmosphere, including the processes of precipitation, evaporation, and stream flow. Water resources and policy issues incorporated where applicable. Will not yield upper level credit for the atmospheric science B.S. degree. Not open to students with credit in A Atm 408.?May not be offered in 2008-2009.
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