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1.00 Credits
Theory and techniques of how sound and music are composed for use in multi-media fields, including Theatre, the World-Wide Web, installation art, CD-ROM, and video. Students will work on original projects in their respective disciplines. The focus of this course will vary. Prerequisite(s): A Mus 325 and A Mus 426 or A Thr 426 and/or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A continuation of introduction to Video PP, this course focuses on the technical and theoretical issues of the computer in the visual arts with a focus on digital video. Digital video post-production is explored through hands-on projects and readings designed to increase students' aesthetic and technical vocabulary. Topics covered include advanced non-linear editing techniques with Final Cut Pro with an emphasis on long form narrative videos and effect-based art videos, including techniques like keying and compositing with an introduction to the post-production program After Effects. Prerequisite(s): A Art 282.
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to the elements, structure, and history of experimental film and video art. Experimental film and Video Art share similarities in their fundamental historical development but adopt very different approaches in style, form, and media. This course will follow each development through screenings and discussions relating to film and video beginning in the 1920's to the present. Prerequisite(s): A Arh 260 or A Arh 267 or A??Art 280.
3.00 Credits
Special projects in print processes ranging from relief printing to color viscosity etching. May be repeated for credit when topic varies (up to 12 credits). Prerequisite(s): A Art 240 or 242.
3.00 Credits
A studio course for students with two or three semesters of drawing experience. Individual attention is combined with technical and formal criticism in the development of a personal visual idiom. In this course, stress will be placed on how the history of drawing helps to reveal a student's potential. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Art 305.
3.00 Credits
A focus on contemporary concerns and attitudes in three-dimensional work and media requiring an application of concepts and experience learned and acquired in prerequisite courses and through research, which results in finished sculptures. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Art 320 and A Art 321 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Further exploration of sculptural concepts with a focus on individual problems, covering a wide range of media, methods and techniques. An emphasis is on the development, interpretation, realization and presentation of one's ideas. May be repeated for credit when topic varies (up to 12 credits). Prerequisite(s): A Art 320 and A Art 321 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course will provide students with basic studio techniques for field recording, digital audio editing, signal processing, and composition. Projects will reflect a variety of aesthetic approaches and disciplines from the experimental tradition in Electronic Music to sound art, multimedia applications, and related fields. Prerequisite(s): A Mus 325 or equivalent and/or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course is an advanced seminar in sound design, audio art, electronic musical composition, and related fields, with an emphasis on evaluation and discussion of creative studio work produced by students. A continuation of studies initiated in A Mus 426/ A Art 426, with a focus on advanced techniques and aesthetics. Prerequisite(s): A Art 426 or A Mus 426.
1.00 Credits
Theory and techniques of how sound and music are composed for use in multi-media fields, including Theatre, the World-Wide Web, installation art, CD-ROM, and video. Students will work on original projects in their respective disciplines. The focus of this course will vary. Prerequisite(s): A Mus 325 and A Mus 426 or A Thr 426 and/or permission of instructor.
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