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3.00 Credits
A studio course for students with two semesters of drawing experience. This course offers extended opportunities to draw from life combined with an awareness of various pictorial traditions and procedures. The development of a personal direction is strongly encouraged through challenging projects. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Art 205.
3.00 Credits
An idea-oriented course designed to help students solve visual and artistic problems through invention and interpretation. Emphasis will be placed on imagination and experimentation with alternative and traditional materials, and students will work toward developing an expanded, personal, visual vocabulary. May be repeated once for credit. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
An overview of the conceptual and practical management structures and systems in professional, not-for-profit arts and cultural organizations. The course focuses on areas of prime importance to the arts manager: organizational structure, planning, board/staff leadership, programming and budgeting, Term project required. Only one of A Art 315, A Mus 315, and A Thr 315 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of traditional and nontraditional materials, processes and concepts of sculpture with an emphasis on fabrication, assemblage and installation ideas and actualization of finished sculptural pieces. Prerequisite(s): A Art 115.
3.00 Credits
A sequence of workshops and demonstrations exploring fabrication, additive processes and assembly techniques used in sculpture. Instruction is given on the materials and techniques used to cut, form and join aluminum, steel, wood and plastics. The student will become conversant with oxy-acetylene and electric welding (stick, MIG and TIG) equipment; woodworking tools, mechanical fasteners and industrial materials. Prerequisite(s): A Art 115 3-Dimensional Design or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
A sequence of workshops exploring techniques of learning to make molds in plaster, flexible rubber and classic investment, used in casting ceramic, wax, plaster, concrete, plastic resins, aluminum, bronze and other materials involved in generating sculpture. Prerequisite(s): A Art 115? or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
A studio course for students with one semester of oil painting experience. This course offers extended opportunities to paint from life combined with an awareness of various pictorial traditions and procedures. The development of a personal direction is strongly encouraged through challenging projects. Prerequisite(s): A Art 205 and A Art 230. May be repeated once for credit.
3.00 Credits
A studio course for students with two semesters of drawing experience. An introduction to the language of painting through the use of a variety of water-based media (ink, gouache, watercolor, egg tempera). Students will be asked to master several media-related procedures and develop coherent pictorial constructions. Prerequisite(s): A Art 205.
3.00 Credits
In this combined studio/lecture course, students will examine a range of color theories and their application to specific works of art. Emphasis will be on the expressive role of color in various pictorial traditions. Students will be given an extensive vocabulary of color concepts and related studio exercises. Prerequisite(s): A Art 110. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
A studio course for students with one semester of etching experience. Students will create images on and of paper with more complex intaglio and digital printmaking techniques, including multi-plat color printing. Projects will emphasize individual direction, ambition, research, and personal expression. Prerequisite(s): A Art 240 or permission of instructor.
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