Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the language of painting through studio practice. Students will work toward mastering the skills of color mixing as they apply to painting from life. This course stresses the discipline of perceiving the optical effects of light and color in nature and translating them into a pictorial space. Prerequisite(s): A Art 205 or permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this class, students will be introduced to etching as both a historical and contemporary medium of expression. Projects will explore drawing and printing with line, tone, and texture via the traditional techniques of hard and soft ground etching, drypoint, and aquatint. Additionally, students will learn to integrate digital imaging in the creation of their intaglio prints. Assignments will address issues of representation, abstraction, cultural critique, and personal expression. Prerequisite(s): A Art 105 or permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A studio course where students will be introduced to lithographic printmaking processes that integrate painterly and photographic image-making. Students will be introduced to historical information about the techniques, especially as this relates to the dialogues between printmaking and other art processes at various times and in different contexts. Key to this dialogue will be the questions, "Why prints and multiples?" Assignments will engage the student in experimentation with both ideas and materials. Prerequisite(s): A Art 105 or permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Photography as fine art; covers basic black and white processing techniques and darkroom skills. Principles of photographic composition and introduction of important work by photographers. Prerequisite(s): one studio art class and permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the technical and theoretical issues of the computer in the visual arts. The convergence of photography and digital media is explored through hands-on projects and readings designed to increase students' aesthetic and technical vocabulary. Topics covered include basic scanning and manipulation of photographicimagery through raster-based graphics programs, and fine art digital printmaking, as well as an introduction to web graphics. Prerequisite(s): A Art 244 or one studio art course and permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will focus on the history of video art and the history of performance in video surveying the period between the late 50's until the early 1970's. Screenings, readings, and studio exercises will be three equally important components in the course study. Students will be required to develop concepts for video artworks on a weekly basis. These artworks will be presented as a finished piece of a conceptual idea that will be presented, critiqued, and discussed during scheduled course hours. Students will also be required to write periodic short essays regarding required course readings. Prerequisite(s) A Art 250 or A Arh 171 or permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is a continuation of Part I and will focus on the history of video art and the history of performance in video surveying the period between the late 70's until the present. Screenings, readings, and studio exercises will be three equally important components in the course study. Students will be required to develop concepts for video artworks on a weekly basis. These artworks will be presented as a finished piece or a conceptual idea that will be presented, critiqued, and discussed during scheduled course hours. Students will also be required to write periodic short essays regarding required course readings. Prerequisite(s) A Arh 267 or A Art 280.
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the technical and theoretical issues of the computer in the visual arts with a focus on digital video. Digital video post-production is explored through hands-on projects and readings designed to increase students' aesthetic and technical vocabulary. Topics covered include basic non-linear editing with Final Cut Express/Pro, including graphics, titles, effects, importing/exporting, and sound editing. Also covered will be the preparation and creation of DVDs with iDVD and DVD Studio Pro.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introductory study of a special topic in fine arts not otherwise covered in the curriculum. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course explores the influence of 20th Century psychological thought on the contemporary creative process. We will investigate the works of art and explore creative processes that are directly related to the mapping of the modern psyche. Readings will include writings by both artists and psychologists, including texts by Freud, Lacan, Jung, Breton, Miro, etc. Students will be expected to make class presentations and produce visual projects. Prerequisite(s): A Arh 170, 171 and A Art 205. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
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