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3.00 Credits
Medical Informatics covers the use of computers to manage healthcare data, decision support for diagnosis and treatment, and the use of artificial intelligence for patient care and clinical investigations. Course taught on-line. Contact Donald Parsons at (518) 474-7047.
4.00 Credits
Same topics as A Psy 101, but topics are covered in greater detail. Three class periods and one discussion-laboratory section per week. This course is intended for students who have more than average interest in psychology and who are considering becoming psychology majors. Only one of A Psy 101 or 102 or T Psy 102 may be taken for credit. Open to Honors College students only.
3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of theories and research in learning, human development, academic motivation, and intelligence, as well as the ways in which theories about how children grow and learn can be applied to teaching and learning. We will draw a variety of instructional approaches including assigned readings, reflective writing, hands-on activities, class dscussions, group projects, and individual papers. Open to Honors College students only.
4.00 Credits
For Honors College students.? Only one of A Aas 220, A Aas 220Z and T Aas 220 may be taken for graduation credit.
4.00 Credits
This course traces the origin and evolution of writing systems from their earliest precursors to the modern world. It is organized around a series of puzzles that guide participants through the processes of discovery and decipherment that led to our current understanding of writing systems. About half of the course is devoted to small-group workshops in which participants receive hands-on experience working together on problems in decipherment. The broader goal of the course is to learn how to do problem solving generally, using specific procedures and ways of thinking that can be applied in any discipline. This course is writing intensive.? Same as A Ant 124; only one may be taken for credit. Open to Honors College students only.
3.00 Credits
Constructed languages have played a prominent role in recent popular culture.? Elvish, for example, is a language spoken by immortal elves in The Lord of the Rings.? Klingon is spoken by humanoid aliens from another planet in Star Trek.?? Both languages attempt to imagine what the communication system of another intelligent species might be like.?? But in order to construct a credible fictional language, however, we have to think carefully about the nature of human language.?? This course asks which features of human language would be necessary components of any intelligent communication system and which features are contingent on the accidents of human biology. Open to Honors College students only.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide an overview of human rights and anthropology from theoretical and historical points of view and from the vantage point of engagement and practice.? Using a critical approach, we will move away from the notion of a set category or monolithic legal structure toward an understanding of aflexible and elastic set of conceptual frameworks used to accomplish transitions, make claims and gain access to resources.? In doing so, we will consider the increasing transnationalization of rights discourse and the growing terrain in which claims, legal and otherwise, are made through it. A series of international and national case studies will be examined. Open to Honors College students only.
3.00 Credits
New reproductive technologies have been influential in transforming the experience of reproduction and in challenging our very notions of what it means to be a person.? In this class we ask: What are the implications of living in a society in which it is possible to think about procreation as subject to personal preference and choice in a way that has never before been conceivable?? How do widespread use of prenatal testing , visualizing technologies, and knowledge of genetics impact upon decisions regarding conception and/or abortion in various cultures?? What does it mean for definitions of parenthood if children can be "produced" through "donated" eggs and/or "rented" wombs?? Are we moving towards women's empowerment or the new eugenics?? Using a cross-cultural approach, we will examine the anthropology and bioethics of the new reproductive technologies.?Same as former A Ant 266H.?? Only one of T Ant 266 and A?Ant 266H may be taken for credit. Open to Honors College students only.
3.00 Credits
The sequencing of the genomes of a large number of organisms, from bacteria to human, has provided enormous insights into a wide range of human endeavors.? Almost no aspect of human knowledge has been untouched by the information being compiled.? The information gathered has also driven the development of new technologies designed to explore and exploit the information gathered.? The goal of this course will be to familiarize students with the nature of the information that can be gathered from genomics and the benefits derived from the new biotechnologies.? Also, simple research problems will be assigned to introduce students to the web based resources and programs used to analyze genomic data. Open to Honors College students only.
3.00 Credits
Energy, enthalpy, thermochemistry, quantum mechanics and atomic theory, general concepts of bonding, covalent bonding and orbitals, gases, liquids, and solids. Students will be introduced to faculty research within the Department of Chemistry, as well as interdisciplinary areas.?Only one of A Chm 120 and A Chm 130 or TCHM 130 may be taken for credit. Open to Honors College students only.
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