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3.00 Credits
In-depth study of the political system of Israel: its history, social and political cleavages, governing institutions and persistent problems. Only one of R Pos 359 & A Jst 359 may be taken for credit. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the study of violent political conflict. We will examine the how, why, and when of violent political conflict both domestic and international. The course will focus on the key empirical and normative questions raised by violent political conflict and what answers to these questions the existing literature offers. In this course, in addition to studying the theories that have been developed to explain the politics and history of violent political conflict, students will have an opportunity to participate in simulation exercises designed to sharpen their analytic skills in the subject.
3.00 Credits
The composition and problems of various ethnic and religious minorities: their origins, characteristics, political mobilization, and degree of integration into the social and political systems of the new post-colonial nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America examined against a background of European, American, and Russian experience. May not be offered in 2008-2009. ?
3.00 Credits
Classical and recent scholarly debates regarding nationalism and nation-building: theoretical and historical evolution of nationalism, nationalist movements, and nation-building; some of the most salient contemporary issues related to the national question, including the effects of globalization and the resurgence of nationalist movements in the post-Cold War era.
3.00 Credits
Examines the organization and operations of state and local criminal court systems from the perspective of social science research and public policy analysis. Major issues include: the role of courts in American society; bail and pre-trial procedures; the roles and decisions of prosecutors, judges and the defense bar; selection and operation of grand juries and trial juries; sentencing of criminal defendants; and others. The operations of juvenile and adult courts are compared, and efforts directed toward court reform are assessed. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing.
3.00 Credits
A key shift in politics around the world has been the increasing number of democracies. This shift has important implications for everything from human rights to economic policy. This course will explore the causes and effects of democratization focusing on topics such as political economy, international pressures, and coalition building.
3.00 Credits
Study of the relation of the mass media to the American political process, including an examination of the effect of the mass media on legislative actions, the executive, voting behavior and the bureaucracy.
3.00 Credits
This class will cover selected topics in relation to the political development of the Middle and near East, an area loosely defined to cover the region from Morocco to Afghanistan and including modern Turkey and the Caspian littoral states. Topics will vary. Examples will include, but are not limited to, the classic British Imperial period, revolutions, the oil industry, regional conflicts such as the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980's , and the tensions between secular modernization and Islamic systems of government.
3.00 Credits
Broad overview of the information revolution and its political consequences. Examines the impact of information technologies on diplomacy, global security, the international political economy, and international organization with a particular emphasis on the use of administrative information systems and the internet by governments and other public sector organizations.
3.00 Credits
The uses of theory in observing the interaction patterns found in the international system. Examines concepts of equilibrium, conflict and nationalism. Theoretical propositions about power, war and diplomacy are tested and counter-theories formulated.
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