Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Introduction to research design, statistics, and computer usage in public policy with an emphasis on the interpretation of results. Students examine experimental, quasi-experimental and non-experimental research designs, summarize and present univariate distributions, perform bivariate and multivariate analyses including simple cross-tabulations and multiple regression analysis, and learn to use a computer to perform statistical and data management operations. Required for public affairs majors. Prerequisite(s): R Pad 204.
3.00 Credits
A study of the historical shaping of American politics. Encompassing institutions, public policies, political culture, and political economy, American Political Development uncovers patterns of political stability and change. It explores critical episodes in American political history in a theoretically-informed fashion. Prerequisite(s): R Pos 101.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the theoretical, constitutional, and political dimensions of American federalism, including the tensions between the planes of government, interstate relations, and the problem-solving capabilities of the federal system. Particular emphasis is placed upon the formal powers of each plane of government and the limitations upon these powers. The reasons for and the political significance of the increasing use of preemption powers by the Congress will be examined.
3.00 Credits
Course focus is on intergovernmental relations; the interdependent roles of governors, legislatures, and courts in policymaking and implementation; the organization, functions, and jurisdiction of local governments; interaction of political parties and interest groups with formal institutions and processes; and problems in selected functional areas. Emphasis will be placed upon socio-economic trends leading to change in state and local governments, consequent issues raised, and proposals made in response to such issues. Prerequisite(s): R Pos 101? or R Pos 101Z. Only one of R Pos 321 and R Pub 321 may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
Examines governmental patterns in major urban areas of the United States. Considers the nature of a municipal corporation, forms of government, state-local relations, and urban politics.
3.00 Credits
Examines Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban political participation, perspectives, and values. Each sub-group is analyzed and compared to African Americans and whites. The approach of the course is theoretical, historical, and interpretive.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the major political governmental institutions in New York. Examines the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; the nature of parties and election, and of selected policy questions. Only one of R Pos 325 & R Pub 325 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): R Pos 321. May not be offered in 2008-2009.
3.00 Credits
Examination of the role of the of the courts in the public policy process and in substantive policy fields; integrates the literature of law and policy and applies it to such areas as mental health care, corrections, human resources, education, and housing policy.
3.00 Credits
Examination of political behavior within and among administrative agencies, focusing on the sources of power in the bureaucracy and the ways in which agencies use their political resources to shape public policy. Only one of R Pos 329 and R Pad 329 may be taken for credit.
3.00 Credits
The structure and function of the courts in the American political system with special attention to staffing, the decision-making process, judicial policy making, and checks upon judicial power. Students who have taken R Pos 230H may not take R Pos 330 for credit.
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