Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Overview of operations and techniques used in systems analysis. Examples are used to demonstrate how these analytical methods can be employed to make more informed policy decisions. Only one of R Pad 414 & R Pub 414 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing.
4.00 Credits
The course represents a set of concepts and tools for thinking through complex system-wide problems that challenge government managers' ability to design and manage cross-agency and intergovernmental policies and programs. Students will learn to diagnose and solve complex system-level problems by applying systems thinking and strategic planning tools to case examples. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course examines the history, rationales, and structures of securities laws in the United States, focusing mainly on the federal level but touching on issues pertaining to the states. Topics include public requirements governing the issuance of securities, mandatory public disclosures; legal requirements governing corporate merger and acquisitions, primary and secondary markets for securities; exemptions from full coverage of laws, the reasons for exemptions; and how technology and market changes have affected these exemptions over time; and the basic structure of securities market regulation.
3.00 Credits
This course examines the history, organization, and central issues of securities market regulation in the United States. The course discusses the roles of federal and state regulation, self-regulatory organizations, and firms within the regulatory system. Topics include, but are not limited to, the history and main principles of federal securities statues; examinations and supervision by different levels of the regulatory system; and the relationships among change in financial markets such as financial innovations and regulatory structure and practice.
3.00 Credits
Interdisciplinary consideration of Hudson River and its watershed from environmental perspective: history, political, social, economic, geographic and demographic factors; urban development; ecology; geologic origins; living resources; pollution; environmentalism and cultural forces leading to environmentalism; environmental policy, governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions.
2.00 Credits
Concentrates on leadership, management, and ethics. Focuses on attaining knowledge and proficiency in several critical skills for Army officers, such as staff activities, counseling theory, and training management. Prerequisite(s): R Pad 381. S/U graded.
2.00 Credits
Introduces how the Army organizes for operations from the tactical to strategic levels. Instruction in military administration and logistics. Concludes with a capstone exercise that incorporates knowledge from the entire military science curriculum. Prerequisite(s): R Pad 480. S/U graded.
3.00 Credits
Exploration of the nature and future of the energy problem. Public policies (e.g., production, regulation, development of alternative sources, conservation, foreign trade, and public safety) are emphasized. Only one of R Pad 499 & R Pub 499 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing.
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to political science and its major fields: American politics, comparative politics, international relations and political theory. The course seeks to expose students to the study of social science, to introduce students to college learning.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the study of politics, focusing on American national government. Includes some discussion of theoretical questions (such as authority, representation and consent) and some illustrative examples from the area of comparative and international politics. R Pos 101Z is a writing intensive version of R Pos 101. [SS US]
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