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3.00 Credits
Linear differential equations, systems of differential equations, series solutions, boundary value problems, existence theorems, applications to the sciences. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 214.
3.00 Credits
Theoretical aspects of calculus including construction of the real numbers, differentiation and integration of functions in one variable, continuity, convergence, sequences and series of functions. A Mat 312Z is the writing intensive version of A Mat 312; only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 214.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to topics in mathematical analysis which traditionally have been applied to the physical sciences, including vector analysis, Fourier series, ordinary differential equations, and the calculus of variations. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 214 and 220. Offered fall semester only.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of A Mat 314. Series solutions of differential equations, partial differential equations, complex variables, and integral transforms. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 314. Offered spring semester only.
3.00 Credits
Elementary number theory. Elementary theory of equations over rational, real, and complex fields. A Mat 326Z is the writing intensive version of A Mat 326; only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 113 .
3.00 Credits
Basic concepts of groups, rings, integral domains, fields. A Mat 327Z is the writing intensive version of A Mat 327; only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 220, and either 326 or 326Z.
3.00 Credits
Classical theorems of Menelaus, Ceva, Desargues, and Pappus. Isometries, similarities, and affine transformations for Euclidean geometry. A Mat 331Z is the writing intensive version of A Mat 331; only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 220. Usually offered spring semester only.
3.00 Credits
Networks, map coloring problems, surfaces, topological equivalence, the Euler number, the polygonal Jordan curve theorem, homotopy, the index of a transformation, and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem. A Mat 342Z is the writing intensive version of A Mat 342; only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A Mat 214 and 220.? Usually offered fall semester only.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to discrete and continuous probability models, including probability mass functions, density functions and cumulative distribution functions. Discrete examples will include the binomial, negative binomial, Poisson, and hypergeometric distributions. Continuous distributions will include the normal and exponential distributions, the family of gamma and beta densities, and, if time permits, t and chi-square distributions. Other topics are the probability axioms, equally likely sample spaces (combinatorics), conditional probability, joint distributions, marginal distributions, conditional distributions, covariance, correlation, moment generating functions and the Central Limit Theorem.?A Mat 362 constitutes substantial preparation for Actuarial Exam P. A student may not apply both A Mat 362 and A Mat 367 towards a major or minor in mathematics or a minor in statistics. Prerequisite(s): calculus through A Mat 214 or the equivalent.
3.00 Credits
A calculus-based introduction to statistics.? Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for means and variances, differences of means and ratios of variances, including P-values, power functions and sample size estimates and involving normal, binomial, t, chi-square and F distributions.? Additional topics may include introductions to simple linear regression, Bayesian statistics, sample survey methods, goodness of fit tests, non-parametric tests or analysis of variance.? A MAT 363Z is the writing intensive version of A MAT 363; only one may be taken for credit. Students with credit for A Mat 367 but who have not taken A Mat 362 may take A Mat 363 only with permission of instructor.? Students with credit for A Mat 368 may not take A Mat 363. Prerequisite(s):?A Mat 362.?
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