Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will investigate the theory of computer synthesis. Seminal computer graphics papers will be used to describe the various components of the image synthesis pipeline and explain just as in photography, how the path of light in a virtual scene can be simulated and used to create photorealistic imagery. This course will emphasize the theory behind various rendering tools and libraries available for image synthesis. The student will put theory into practice via a programming assignment and a capstone project. Topics will include light and color, three-dimensional scene specifi cation, camera models, surface materials and textures, rendering (local, ray tracing, radiosity), procedural shading and modeling, tone reproduction, and advanced rendering techniques. (4003-570 or 4002-502)
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course takes a look at computer animation from a programmer's perspective. It will investigate the theory, algorithms and techniques for describing and programming motion for virtual 3D worlds. Approaches that will be explored include keyframing systems; kinematics, motion of articulated fi gures, procedural and behavioral systems, and the use of motion capture data. This course is a programming-oriented course with major deliverables including the implementation of techniques presented in lecture as well as a fi nal project concentrating on an area of a student's choice. Students enrolling in this course are expected to have profi ciency in the use of at least one 3D API (e.g. OpenGL, DirectX, Java3D). (4003-570 or 4002-501 or permission of instructor) Class 4, Credit 4
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course introduces students to issues in the design of language processors and translators. Topics include lexical, syntactic, and semantic descriptions, analysis tools, and programming techniques, as well as environment-, stack-, and heapbased interpreters and at least the principles of code generation for typical computer architectures. Teams of students will be required to design and implement a small programming language. (4003-450) Class 4, Credit 4
  • 4.00 Credits

    Current advances in Computer Science. (Bridge course; set by instructor) Class 1-4, Credit 1-4
  • 2.00 Credits

    The honors project enables upper-level computer science honors program students to gain further depth in an area of their choice under the supervision of a computer science faculty member. Deliverables of the project include a scientifi c paper and a presentation open to the community. (4003-590) Credit 2
  • 3.00 Credits

    A supervised investigation of selected topics within Computer Science. Consent of the sponsor and departmental approval are required. Credit 1-4
  • 2.00 Credits

    This is an introduction to computer technology and its use in the medical fi eld. About half of the course is devoted to the study of computers, their basic components and peripheral devices, the storage and retrieval of data, electronic communications and the internet. The other half of the course deals with medical data and major applications of computers in medicine, including Hospital Information Systems (HIS), medical imaging, surgery, telemedicine, and pharmacy. Through demonstration and computer laboratory assignments, students are exposed to personal productivity software such as word processors, spreadsheet and database systems, presentation software and electronic communications. Class 3, Lab 2, Credit 4
  • 3.00 Credits

    This is an introduction to informatics as applied to the medical fi eld. It is a study of the nature of medical information and its use in clinical practice as well as in medical research and education. It is also an examination of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and its impact on health care delivery. The Internet and mobile computing are presented as sources of medical information. The Health Care Information Systems are discussed, as well as their development, selection and implementation. The important roles of the computing or informatics specialists in medicine are stressed. The course also includes a thorough discussion of privacy, confi dentiality and information security including health care regulatory and accreditation issues and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). (4006-230) Class 4, Credit 4
  • 4.00 Credits

    An in-depth study of the M programming language and its database capabilities. Direct mode, local/global/special variables, commands, arguments, operators, writing and executing routines, M editors, screen/printer formatting, string manipulation, pattern matching, concatenation, arrays and trees, multilevel and string subscripts, input/output using devices, cross-reference fi les, indirection. Programming projects are required and are taken from the health care fi eld. (4006-230 or permission of instructor) Class 4, Credit 4
  • 1.00 Credits

    This is an introduction to the use of computers in medical practice, education and research. Every week a different speaker from the medical fi eld gives a presentation. Students also receive information concerning career opportunities and cooperative education. Class 1, Credit 1
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