Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
A course for practicing photographers and students in which photographic effects beyond those encountered in everyday situations in illustrative, commercial and advertising photography are discussed and practiced. Among the topics covered are stroboscopic, peripheral, scanning, high-speed fl ash, matte box and combination fl ash/tungsten photographic techniques. (For upperdivision SPAS students) Credit 4
4.00 Credits
Exploration of the technology, theory and application of digital image processing equipment and procedures, particularly in relation to photographic processes. Principles of input, output and computer processing techniques are covered. Applications such as contrast enhancement, edge sharpening and smoothing are included. (2076-210, 2076-213, and 2076-321 or 0602-208) Credit 4
4.00 Credits
This is a course about electronic image quality. The student will work with and characterize the image quality for various electronic I/O devices such as scanners, electronic cameras, printers and other display devices. The electronic imaging system, from light source to output, will be investigated, component-by-component, to discover the effect each component has on total system image quality. Input-output relationships for each component subsystem will be investigated, and the component responses will be collectively used to determine system image quality. (2076-211, 2076-212, 2076-213, 2076-491) Credit 4
0.00 Credits
Provides students with on-the-job experience in the fi eld of imaging and photographic technology. The student seeks and acquires a school approved co-op position in business or industry. The working environment provides the forum for learning more about the student's chosen career. A fi nal interview with the co-op coordinator assists the student in evaluating the experience. Credit 0
3.00 Credits
Prepares students for their senior research project. Covers basic research methods, including experimental design, unobtrusive evaluation and selection of an appropriate statistical treatment for the research to be conducted. Chi-square, two-tailed t test, linear regression and nonparametric statistics are taught as pertinent evaluation tools. (Senior status or permission of department chair) Credit 3
3.00 Credits
A survey of imaging methods and imaging systems not normally encountered in other technical photography courses, including UV, IR, 3D, holography, electrophotography, X-ray and non-silver applications. (Upper-level photo technology majors or by permission of instructor) Credit 3
3.00 Credits
The theory and practice of photographic systems designed to permit analysis of events of very short or extended duration. Included are operational characteristics of time-lapse cameras, sequencing and timing control devices, time magnifi cation relationships. Also, characteristics of intermittent and rotating prism cameras, rotating mirror and drum cameras, synchronization system and timing controls and high-speed fl ash and spark gap systems. Students gain experience not only in the use of the basic equipment but also in proper planning, setup and data reduction techniques through a series of practical experiments. (Upper-level photo technology majors or by permission of instructor) Credit 3
3.00 Credits
A seminar approach offered on demand when adequate numbers of students and a faculty member agree to study a subject not normally offered. Available to upper-level students. Credit variable 1-9
4.00 Credits
A proficiency-oriented course designed to train students to operate and take photographs with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Emphasis is on understanding and optimization of the instrumental and photographic parameters associated with the SEM. (2076-211, 2076-212, 2076-213, and 2076-303 or 2061-403 or permission of instructor) Credit 4
3.00 Credits
A student-proposed advanced project sponsored by a faculty member. Approval of the proposal by the department chairman and the school director required. Available to upper-level students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Credit variable
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