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2.00 Credits
A second course in the design and implementation of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits and systems. Emphasis will be placed on the design and use of dynamic precharge and precharge-evaluate CMOS circuitry including Domino, NORA and Zipper CMOS logic, and subsystems. Basic requirements of a clocking system and a general clocking strategy for timing design in both static and dynamic CMOS circuits are investigated. Topics on the design and use of a standard cell library in the implementation of large system designs will be covered. The use of workstations with Mentor Graphics design tools and Synopsys synthesis tool suite will be required in laboratory projects leading to the design, VHDL synthesis and testing of an integrated circuit device. (0306-630, 351) Class 4, Lab 2 Credit 4 (S)
4.00 Credits
The fi rst of a two course undergraduate capstone design sequence. Lecture materials include design process methodologies, team dynamics, engineering ethics, communication skills, current topics, real-time programming techniques, formulating independent project proposals, and an introduction to the laboratory tools available. Students undertake an initial independent design experience, formulate a proposal for the design of multidisciplinary team project to be completed during the concluding course, and investigate important components of that multidisciplinary design project. (0306-560 and fourth-year standing in computer engineering) Class 4, Credit 4. (W, S, SU)
4.00 Credits
This capstone design course entails several detailed projects involving the design of hardware and software to exercise students' engineering design creativity and ability to integrate concepts from throughout the curriculum. Some lectures are presented on real-time programming techniques such as interrupt handlers, multitasking concepts, process synchronization, response time considerations, rate monotonic scheduling, input noise reduction and debugging techniques. Other topics are also presented. (Fifth-year standing in computer engineering) Class 4, Credit 4 (F, W)
4.00 Credits
This is the fi rst of a two-course capstone design sequence and is taught in an environment that simulates an industrial setting. Students work in multidisciplinary design teams and generate design concepts and prototype solutions to real-world engineering problems. Emphasis is placed on engineering analysis, design and testing methodologies, teamwork and communication skills. Fifth year standing and department approval are required. (Department approval required) Class 4, Credit 4
4.00 Credits
The conclusion of a capstone undergraduate design projects course in computer engineering. Students will have prepared for the major course project during the previous course and will have done some detailed project analysis over the intervening co-op work period. This course begins with project design reviews presented to the class and selected faculty members. Project performance analysis and reliability will be major metrics. (0306-654) Class 4, Credit 4 (F, W, S)
4.00 Credits
This is the second of a two-course capstone design sequence and is taught in an environment that simulates an industrial setting. Students work in multidisciplinary design teams and generate design concepts and prototype solutions to real-world engineering problems. Emphasis is placed on engineering analysis, design and testing methodologies, teamwork and communication skills. (0306-656 and fi fth-year standing) Class 4, Credit 4 (W, S)
4.00 Credits
An advanced course moving the student beyond computer programming to the engineering of complex software systems. At the end of this class, students will learn how to make the right selection of design methodologies or architectures, produce executable structure models that can be verifi ed by computer, formulate a design that meets all functional and performance requirements, and perform trade-off analyses that enhance decision making. Students work in teams on large-scaled software projects. (4010-361) Class 4, Credit 4
4.00 Credits
This course introduces methods for developing and designing concurrent software and embedded software. Formal logical formulas are used to characterize sets of states and sets of program behaviors. The software is then analyzed by manipulating these logical formulas. Several classical concurrent programming problems such as critical sections, producers and consumers, and resource allocation are examined. Practical examples and exercises are used to illustrate points and evaluate design tradeoffs. (0306-661 or permission of instructor) Class 4, Credit 4
4.00 Credits
Conducted in a studio class/lab format with lecture material interspersed with lab work, this course presents a general road map of real time and embedded systems. Microcontrollers used as external, in dependent performance monitors of more complex real-time systems. Much of the material focuses on a commercial real-time operating system, using it for programming projects on development systems and embedded target systems. Fundamental material on real-time operating systems are presented, including scheduling algorithms, priority inversion, and hardware-software co-design. (4010-361 and 0306-250 or equivalent) Class 4, Credit 4
4.00 Credits
This course introduces the modeling of real-time software systems. It takes an engineering approach to the design of these systems by analyzing a model of the system before beginning implementation. UML will be the primary modeling methodology. Non-UML methodologies will also be discussed. Implementations of real-time systems will be developed manually from the models and using automated tools to generate the code. (0306-663) Class 4, Credit 4
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