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6.00 Credits
A capstone design experience for microelectronic engineering senior students. Students propose a 10-week project related to microelectronic process, device, component or system, to meet desired specifications within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. The students plan a timetable and write a formal proposal. The proposal is evaluated on the basis of intellectual merit, sound technical/research plan, and feasibility. The proposed work is carried through in the sequel course, Senior Design Project II (0305-691). Each student is required to make a presentation of the proposal. (0305-320, 574, 632, 643) Class 2, Lab 6, Credit 4 (F, W)
3.00 Credits
A capstone design experience for microelectronic engineering senior students. In this 10-week course, students conduct a hands-on implementation of the projects proposed in the previous course, Senior Design Project I. Technical presentations of the results, including a talk and a poster, are required at the annual conference on microelectronic engineering organized by the department in May. A written paper in IEEE format is required and is included in the conference journal. (0305-681) Class 1, Lab 3, Credit 2 (S)
1.00 Credits
Briefl y describes the fi eld of computer engineering and provides a frame of reference for the sequences of computer engineering, computer science and electrical engineering courses that appear in the computer engineering curriculum. Topics include an introduction to computers and computing, basic concepts, nomenclature, historical background and some elements of data representation. Teamwork, communication skills and contemporary issues are addressed. Class 1, Credit 1 (F)
1.00 Credits
Introduces various topics of interest to computer engineering majors, including teamwork and aspects of engineering design. (0306-200) Class 1, Credit 1 (W)
2.00 Credits
An introduction to fundamental computer organization, assembly language programming and input/output techniques of a modern microprocessor system. Covers addressing methods, machine instructions assembler directives, macro definitions, relocatability, subroutine linkage, data-structures, I/O programming, exception processing and interrupts. The assembly language program design techniques necessary to write effi cient, maintainable device drivers are considered. An introduction to basic digital computer organization concepts also is provided. The Motorola MC 68000 microprocessor family of devices is used in most class examples and all required programming projects. (4003-232 and 0306-341) Class 4, Lab 2, Credit 4 (F, W)
3.00 Credits
Covers the specifi cation, analysis and design of digital systems. This includes the study of combinational and sequential systems using standard modules such as decoders, multiplexers, shifters, registers, and counters. The laboratory provides more insight into the physical and circuit aspects of the design and implementation of digital systems using SSI, MSI, and LSI components as well as CAD tools. (0306-200 or department permission) Class 3, Lab 3, Credit 4 ( S, F)
2.00 Credits
Presents modern approaches to digital system modeling and description. The course covers traditional schematic description and stresses modern hardware description languages (HDL). The focus is on the VHDL language, however other modeling concepts also are presented. Other topics include explanation and practical use of hierarchical approach to digital system design. The theory is exemplified by practical realizations of digital systems. (0306-341 and 4003-232) Class 3, Lab 2, Credit 4 (W, S)
4.00 Credits
An introduction to classical algorithms used in the solution of numerical problems encountered in science and engineering. The C language will be introduced as a tool for implementing these algorithms. Topics include an introduction to C, computer number representation and roundoff error, algorithms for fi nding roots of nonlinear equations, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, function approximation and data fi tting solutions to systems of linear equations, and general matrix manipulation. This course is restricted to computer engineering students. (4003-334 and 1016-306) Class 4, Credit 4 (F, W)
4.00 Credits
This course introduces the student to the basic elements of discrete time signals and systems and fundamental signal processing techniques, such as FIR and IIR Filtering, the z transform and the Discrete Fourier transform. Theory is strengthened through Matlab based projects and exercises. (1016-306,331, and 0306-381) Class 4, Credit 4, (F, W)
4.00 Credits
This course presents an introduction to electronics and covers basic principles of small-signal analysis of circuits with semiconductor devices, such as diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs. The p-n junction is introduced, followed by a study of bipolar junction transistor function. Includes: Rectifi cation and power supply fi ltering and the basic operation and biasing of bipolar junction transistors; Basic MOSFET current-voltage characteristics; DC biasing of MOS circuits, including integrated-circuit current sources/mirrors; Small-signal analysis of single-stage MOS amplifi ers; Frequency response of BJT and MOS amplifi ers; Feedback and stability in amplifi ers; Ideal operational amplifi ers in inverting, non-inverting and integrator confi gurations. Emphasis is placed on developing skills required for circuit analysis. Lab deals with basic experiments in electronics. (0301-382) Class 4, Credit 4
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