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3.00 Credits
01 - Mechanical Engineering Independent Study, Credit 1-8 02 - Mechanical Engineering Free Elective, Credit 1-8 03 - Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective - Design, Credit 1-8
4.00 Credits
A basic course in the fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation, together with applications to typical engineering systems. Topics include one-dimensional steady state and transient heat conduction, radiation between black bodies and gray bodies, correlations for the Nusselt number in forced and natural convection, and an introduction to heat exchanger design by LMTD and NTU methods. (0304-413, 415) Class 4, Credit 4
2.00 Credits
This extension of Numerical Methods, 0304-440, covers fi nite element and fi nite difference techniques and their applications in mechanical engineering (structural analysis, heat transfer, fl uid mechanics). (0304-440, 1016-318) Class 3, Lab 2, Credit 4
4.00 Credits
An introduction to the design and manufacturing practices employed in typical automotive industries. Design practices that are currently being implemented in industry will be emphasized including the use of computeraided engineering, software, and statistical analysis. The regularly scheduled lecture periods will include guest lecturers from automotive manufacturers to introduce students to current manufacturing technologies. This course may be used as a free elective. (Fourth-year standing in me program, registration preference given to students enrolled in the automotive option) Class 4 Credit 4
6.00 Credits
This required course introduces the student to lumped parameter system modeling, analysis and design. The determination and solution of differential equations that model system behavior is a vital aspect of the course. System response is characterized in both time and frequency domains. The design of systems or sub-systems is evaluated based on performance criteria, and design modifi cations are suggested from alternate modeling scenarios. Associated projects introduce students to simulation software. (0304-359, 1016-306, 0301-381) Studio Class 6, Credit 5
4.00 Credits
A second course in fl uid mechanics, integrating concepts of heat and mass transfer. Use of the differential form of the fundamental equations of the conservation of mass, momentum and energy is derived and used throughout. Topics include potential fl ow, viscous internal plane and pipe fl ows, external boundary layers, and the convective transport of heat and mass. (1016-318, 0304-415; corequisite 0304-514) Class 4, Credit 4
2.00 Credits
A laboratory course based on the materials covered in Heat Transfer I, 0304-514, and Transfer Phenomena, 0304-550. Students perform various experiments of contemporary interest to the fi elds of heat transfer and transport. Each lab is preceded by a lecture covering an in-depth analysis of the lab experiment. Students are required to work on an assignment related to the experiment using the textbooks and reference material available in the library. After performing the experiments, students perform the required analysis, including error analysis and comments on identifying the sources of error and how to reduce them. Students submit a detailed lab report that is graded on the technical content as well as writing skills. Students completing the Aero option do not need to complete this course. (0304-514, corequisite 0304-550) Lab 2, Credit 1
4.00 Credits
Lays the foundation for studies in aerospace engineering. Topics include the history of aviation, basic aerodynamics, airfoils, wings and other aerodynamic shapes, airplane performance, stability and control, propulsion and aircraft structures. This course may be used only as a free elective. (0304-359, 415, registration preference is given to students enrolled in the aero option) Class 4, Credit 4
4.00 Credits
This course presents the essentials of aerodynamic theory. Topics include differential equations of fl uid mechanics, airfoil theory, wings of fi nite span, inviscid potential fl ows, laminar and turbulent boundary layer, Airfoil design is explored through software. A design project is required. (0304-560, registration preference is given to students enrolled in the aero option) Class 4, Credit 4
3.00 Credits
A student project course encompassing both analytical and experimental work. (Fourth- or fi fth-year standing) Credit variable
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