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4.00 Credits
An introductory course on the fundamentals of semiconductor physics and principles of operation of basic devices for beginning electrical engineering students. Topics include semiconductor fundamentals (statistical physics of carrier concentration, motion in crystals, energy band models, drift and diffusion currents) as well as the operation of p-n junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJT), metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors and MOSfi eld-effect transistors (MOSFET). (1017-313, 1016-305) Class 4, Credit 4 (W, S)
3.00 Credits
Initial course in microprocessor-based systems. After a review of computer arithmetic, logic operations, number systems and codes, the elements of microcomputer architecture are presented, including a detailed discussion of the memory, input-output, the central processing unit (CPU) and the busses over which they communicate. Assembly-language-level programming is introduced with an emphasis on enabling manipulation of elements of a microcomputer system. Effi cient methods for designing and developing assembly language programs are presented. Concepts of program controlled input and output are studied in detail and reinforced with extensive handson lab exercises involving both software and hardware. (0301-240, 4001-211) Class 4, Lab 3, Credit 4 (S)
4.00 Credits
In this course fundamentals of nano-science and engineering are covered. Distinct physical and chemical phenomena at the nano-scale are examined. These phenomena can be uniquely utilized in nano-scale devices and systems. This course emphasizes molecular electronics, nano-electronics and nanobiosystems. Organic and inorganic nanomaterials, as well as nano-fabrication technologies, are studied. Computational nano-technology and nano-CAD are covered in order to perform heterogeneous simulation and data-intensive analysis. This course introduces ethics, social issues, economic impact, leadership and entrepreneurship topics. The proposed course integrates vital components of nano-scale science and engineering in a unifi ed interdisciplinary nano-technology setting. (1016-305, 1017-313) Class 4. Credit 4 (S)
1.00 Credits
Covers basics of DC circuit analysis starting with the defi nition of voltage, current, resistance, power and energy. Linearity and super position, together with Kirchoff's laws, are applied to analysis of circuits having series, parallel and other combinations of circuit elements. Thevenin, Norton and maximum power transfer theorems are proved and applied. Inductance and capacitance are introduced and the transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits to step inputs is established. Practical aspects of the properties of passive devices and batteries are discussed, and characteristics associated with battery-powered circuitry. The laboratory incorporates use of computer and manually controlled instrumentation including power supplies, signal generators and oscilloscopes to reinforce concepts discussed in class as well as circuit design and simulation software. (0301-205, 1017-313, 1016-305) Class 4, Lab 1, Credit 4 (F, W, S, SU)
4.00 Credits
Covers the fundamentals of AC circuit analysis starting with the study of sinusoidal steady-state solutions for circuits in the time domain. The complex plane is introduced along with the concepts of complex exponential functions, phasors, impedances and admittances. Nodal, loop and mesh methods of analysis as well as Thevenin and related theorems are applied to the complex plane. The concept of complex power is developed. Two-port network theory is developed and applied circuits and interconnections. The analysis of mutual induction as applied to coupled coils, linear ideal and non-ideal transformers is introduced. Complex frequency analysis is introduced to enable discussion of transfer functions, frequency dependent behavior, magnitude vs. frequency and phase angle vs. frequency plots, resonance phenomenon and simple fi lter circuits. (0301-381) Class 4, Credit 4 (F, W, S, SU)
4.00 Credits
Linear Systems I provides the foundations of continuous and discrete signal and system analysis including signal and system description and modeling. Topics include: a description of continuous linear systems via differential equations, a description of discrete systems via difference equations, inputoutput relationship of continuous and discrete linear systems, the continuous time convolution integral; the discrete time convolution sum; application of convolution principles to system response calculations; exponential and trigonometric forms of Fourier series and their properties; Fourier transforms including energy spectrum and energy spectral density. (0301-382, 1016-328, 420) Class 4, Credit 4 (F, W)
4.00 Credits
Study of electrostatic, magnetostatic, and quasi-static fields. Topics: vector algebra, vector calculus and orthogonal coordinate systems -Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates, electrostatic fi elds;(Coulomb's law, Gauss's law, the electrical potential, conductors and dielectrics in static electric fi elds, polarization, electric fl ux density and dielectric constant, boundary conditions, capacitance, electrostatic energy forces; solution of electrostatic problems, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, methods of images, steadyelectric currents, conduction current density and resistance, static magnetic fi elds Ampere's law, vector magnetic potential, Biot-Savart law, the magnetic dipole, magnetization, magnetic fi eld intensity, permeability, boundary conditions, self and mutual inductance, magnetic energy and forces, Faraday's law. (1016-328, 1017-313) Class 4, Credit 4 (F, W)
2.00 Credits
Study of propagation, refl ection and transmissions of electromagnetic waves in unbounded regions and in guiding structures. Topics: time varying fi elds, Maxwell's equations, wave equations, uniform plane waves in conductive regions, polarization, the Poynting theorem and power, refl ection and transmission at normal incidence from plane boundaries (multiple dielectric interfaces), oblique incidence at plane dielectric boundaries, two-conductor transmission lines (transmission line equations, transients on transmission lines, pulse and step excitations, refl ection diagrams, sinusoidal steady state solutions, standing waves, the Smith Chart and impedance matching techniques), TE and TM waves in rectangular waveguides (propagation dispersion characteristics). A few experiments illustrating fundamental wave propagation and refl ection concepts are conducted. (0301-473) Class 4, Lab 2, Credit 5 (S, SU)
3.00 Credits
Introduction to electronics and basic principles of small signal analysis of circuits with diodes and BJTs. The p-n junction is introduced, followed by a study of bipolar junction transistor function. Primarily concerned with such fundamental semiconductor devices as circuit elements, dwelling principally on diode applications and simple BJT. Study includes rectifi cation and power supply fi ltering and the basic operation and biasing of bipolar junction. Transistors. Biasing in integrated BJT circuits using current mirrors, differential amplifi ers and output stages are studied. Analytical techniques: development of linear equivalent circuits, load line construction, small-signal analysis of single amplifi er stages, and multiple amplifi er stages. Emphasis on skills required for circuit design. Lab deals with basic design experiments in electronics. (0301-381) Class 4, Lab 3, Credit 4 (F, W)
3.00 Credits
This is the second course in a two-course sequence in analog electronics design. The course covers the following topics: (1) basic MOSFET currentvoltage characteristics; (2) DC biasing of MOS circuits, including integratedcircuit current sources/mirrors; (3) small-signal analysis of single-stage MOS amplifi ers; (4) multistage MOS amplifi ers, such as differential amplifi ers, cascade amplifi ers, and operational amplifi ers; (5) frequency response of single and multistage amplifi ers; (6) feedback and stability in multistage amplifi ers. (0301-382, 481) Class 3, Lab 3, Credit 4 (S, SU)