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2.00 Credits
A seminar experience for senior science majors that explores the interplay of science, technology and society. Students will present and discuss perspectives based on the humanities and social sciences in the context of selected science case studies, and they will compose new case studies that illustrate human dimensions of the scientific endeavor. Required of all majors in senior year. This course and the 450 seminar course together satisfy the capstone graduation requirement. Same course as CHM, PHY 451. Two hours per week. 2 credits. S
3.00 Credits
A fusion of genetics, cell biology, biochemistry and information theory, Molecular Biology will examine living systems at a subcellular level with a focus on proteins and nucleic acids. Review of biochemical logic of life and prokaryotic molecular genetics; discussion of the techniques of molecular biology, including the use of computers in genomic research and molecular visualization; cellular regulation in eukaryotes, including both genetic and signal transduction mechanisms; advanced topics in eukaryotic molecular biology: cancer, viruses, the immune system, developmental mechanisms. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: BIO 101, 102, 211, 399. Corequisite: BIO 481. 3 credits. F
4.00 Credits
An integrated laboratory experience including the analysis of genes and proteins, techniques in genetic engineering, the genetic manipulation of living cells, and the analysis of gene regulation. Four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO 102, 103, 211; CHM 109,110. 2 credits. F
4.00 Credits
A detailed study of the micro and ultramicroscopic anatomy of the fundamental tissues and organs of the mammalian body, including their functional and biomedical importance. Two lectures and four hours of laboratory a week. Prerequisites: BIO 101, 102. 4 credits. N
3.00 Credits
A study of carbohydrates, proteins, liquids, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and metabolism, including thermodynamic and kinetic relationships. Three lectures a week. Same course as CHM 421. Prerequisites: CHM 217, 218. Corequisite: BIO 420. 3 credits. F
3.00 Credits
An introduction to various problems and transactions which are encountered by most, or all of us, at one time or another. Topics include divorce, child custody, accident cases, vehicle and traffic violations, criminal charges, real estate transactions, bankruptcy and other general topics. 3 credits. NLA. N
3.00 Credits
This course offers an introduction to varied and frequently encountered legal issues in contemporary life. Transactions and cases are examined in detail and analyzed with practical applications emphasized. Topics include divorce, child custody, accident cases, vehicle and traffic violations, criminal charges, real estate transactions, bankruptcy, and other general topics. Course requirements will include each student compiling a portfolio of personalized documents, including: a Will, a Living Will, a Health Care Proxy, a Power of Attorney and a Mortgage Application. Not open to students who have taken BLW 200. 4 credits. NLA N
3.00 Credits
A study of the role of law in society, legal institutions and the legal process in the American judicial system; an examination of the judicial decision-making process focusing on legal reasoning and the influence of various social forces; an overview of the law of torts, criminal law and contract law. 3 credits. NLA. N
3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the basic issues underlying US immigration law. Topics covered will include the history of immigration law; the law relating to naturalization, deportation and exclusion procedures; and the legal issues concerning refugees, asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and undocumented workers. In addition, each student will be required to do field work with an organization concerned with immigration issues. 3 credits. NLA. N
3.00 Credits
A study of the legal aspects of real and personal property, including bailments, the ownership and transfer of deeds, leases and mortgages; secured transactions under the Uniform Commercial Code; insurance and suretyship; the creation, nature and kinds of trusts, wills and estates; and bankruptcy proceedings, rights and duties, administration and discharge. 3 credits. NLA. S
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