Course Criteria
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0.00 - 3.00 Credits
This course is designed to orient students to the field of Mass Communication and its impact and influence on their lives. Included is an overview of the field and discussion of the mass media industries (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, music, and the Internet). Regulations, responsibilities, and emerging technologies are discussed and evaluated. B
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
This survey course introduces students to the field of public relations. It will describe the responsibilities and roles of the public relations professional in private and public companies. Topics covered will include the profession of public relations, the process of public relations, the publics involved in public relations, and how public relations is practiced. (Also listed as BUS 203.) Prerequisite: ENG 101. B
0.00 - 2.00 Credits
Work experiences are arranged on campus and with appropriate agencies to provide students with practical experience in advertising, public relations, and all aspects of television production. COM 124 and permission of instructor. F
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of developing and writing scripts for film, television, and the live event. The course emphasizes theme, story, plot, dialogue, character arc, dramatic structure, script format, and the process of developing and writing a script. ENG 102 or permission of instructor. F
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
This course is designed to enhance students' video editing skills through hands-on use of a nonlinear editing system. Students will learn the fundamental and advanced capabilities of this sophisticated digital system, which is widely used in professional video production : COM 123 or permission of instructor. Basic computer skills. B
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
This course focuses on environmental conservation and outdoor recreation, controversial issues, and current topics. Throughout the semester improvement in critical thinking, writing, and oral communication skills are emphasized. F
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
To provide students with an introduction to principles of soil science, meteorology, hydrology, forestry and forest ecology. The student should gain knowledge and field experience in the conservation and management of these interrelated natural resources, especially as they apply to outdoor recreation, wildlife, fisheries, and land use planning. B
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
The study of fish and wildlife as a valuable aesthetic, recreational, and economic resource. Ecological consideration, life histories, identification, populations, habits, habitat characteristics, and relationship between humans and regional wildlife and fish. Special attention is paid to fish and mammals of New York State. S
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Students will examine the impact of human populations on earth's ecosystems. Students will explore psychological, cultural, spiritual, economic, and political factors that accelerate the deterioration of earth's ecosystems and alternate perspectives of those factors which might lead to a more life-sustaining society. Emphasis will be placed on discovering common ground between science and spiritualism. Students will serve as discussion leaders for course topics of their choice. A community involvement component will be required. (Also listed as PHL 110.) : permission of instructor. S
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
This hands-on course provides students with field experiences utilizing various types of fisheries equipment. Emphasis is placed on sampling techniques for both fish and aquatic habitats. Topics include small boat operation, fish identification, fish capture and handling techniques, data collection, tagging and marking, aging, electrofishing, netting, radio telemetry, hydro acoustics, habitat assessment, and equipment maintenance. F
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