Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
EACH COURSE: 3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Th e construction of mathematical models for real-life situations with the application of operations research theory to obtain practical solutions. Problems are chosen from varied fi elds of endeavor with particular emphasis upon public sector-related topics, e.g., traffi c fl ow, court procedures, network analysis and simulation techniques. Prerequisites: For MAT 323: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 241. MAT 323 is required for MAT324.
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Introduction to various numerical approximation techniques and the concept of error. Schemes are developed for fi nding the approximate solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations. Numerical diff erentiation and integration, fi nite diff erences, interpolation and extrapolation, and asymptotic approximation are also discussed. Applications to various branches of science are made. Stress is on the usefulness and necessity of numerical computation. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 242
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Th e examination of commonly employed data structures such as stacks and queues will be the objective of the course. In addition, singly and doubly linked lists, hash-coded storage and searching, tree data structures along with the corresponding sorting methods such as heap sort and quick sort will also be included. Th e application of these structures to the creation of data banks for public sector functions as well as the modeling of service facilities such as the courts and document processing agencies will be emphasized. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 272
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Th e effi cient translation from high level language to machine code is examined. Topics covered include context free grammars and push down automata, program semantics, virtual machines, data types and type checking, control structures, subprograms and exception handling. In addition, the imperative, object-oriented, function and logic programming paradigms are compared. Examples are taken from LISP, Prolog, C/C++ and Java. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 272
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Fundamental concepts and techniques used in the design and implementation of modern operating systems are examined. Topics covered include processes, process coordination and synchronization, scheduling, memory organization and virtual memory, fi le systems, security and protection, and device management. Th e operating system’s impact on the security and integrity of the applications and information systems it supports is emphasized. Concepts are illustrated using UNIX and Windows NT. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 272
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Artifi cial intelligence is an introductory course for students interested in the design of intelligent information systems. It covers several topics ranging from knowledge representation, inference, planning, search, and other fundamental topics in artifi cial intelligence, to selected topics in information retrieval, learning and robotics. Th e course provides a background in artifi cial intelligence, an exposure to the major issues and methods in the fi eld, and some experience in writing intelligent programs using Prolog. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 272
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Recursive algorithms, complexity analysis, parallel and distributed algorithms are explored. Specifi c topics covered include searching, sorting, recursive descent parsing, pattern recognition, network and numerical algorithms, and encryption schemes. Algorithms employed in the design of secure information systems used by law enforcement and public agencies are examined. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 272
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Th e principles and methodologies used in the design and implementation of modern computer networks and networked information systems are studied in detail. Topics include shared use of a multiple access channel, error detection and recovery, and fl ow and congestion control. Packet switched networks and routing protocols are examined, and procedures for secure and reliable transport over best-eff ort deliver systems are presented. In addition, communication protocols above the transport level, for example, protocols that support the Internet and current Internet applications such as Web servers and clients, are discussed. Network programming is introduced, and students will be expected to develop several client/server applications. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, and MAT 272
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Th is course will focus on quantitative applications in the criminal justice fi eld. In this connection, principles and techniques from operations research, statistics and computer science will be applied to various situations and problems arising in criminal justice. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or ENG 201, MAT 221, MAT 324, and MAT 373
3.00 Credits
3 HOURS, 3 CREDITS Th is course gives students the opportunity to work directly with experienced administrators in city, state or federal agencies and to learn fi rsthand the role of information sciences in the agencies of the criminal justice system. Students normally work one day per week (120 hours per semester) in the agency, gaining experience in computer applications in the public sector. Th e classroom seminars and diary conferences allow the student to understand the roles computers play in management and decision making and to exchange experiences and gain insight into the workings of a number of diff erent agencies. Placements are available in a broad range of these agencies. Prerequisite: MAT 400
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