Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Senior capstone course. Concentrates on music beyond that of the Western art music tradition. Discussion centers on music and musical cultures of diverse regions of the world and each student focuses on one specific region for class presentation and a seminar paper. Prerequisites: World Cultures 110, 120.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Presents workshops in various specific areas of music with clinicians drawn from University faculty and outstanding authorities in the field. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
(3) Provides beginning knowledge of nursing modalities used to facilitate health. Specific modalities include supportive counseling, teaching, social support, and alternative care. Opportunities to use nursing modalities may include simulations and interviews with healthy people (3 clock hours).
3.00 Credits
(3) Introduction to the role of the nurse within the framework of the Dungan nursing model of Dynamic Integration. Explores historical, social, legal, ethical, and research components of professional nursing practice (3 clock hours).
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the promotion of healthy physiological responses and the provision of a safe environment for healthy and vulnerable individuals (3 clock hours). Prerequisites: Exercise and Sport Science 112, 113, Chemistry 108. Corequisite: Nursing 262. Fall.
2.00 Credits
Clinical laboratory course includes instruction and practice in modalities to provide a safe environment and promote healthy physiological responses for healthy and vulnerable adults. Focus is on the modality of direct care (6 clock hours). Prerequisites: Exercise and Sport Science 112, 113, Chemistry 108. Corequisites: Nursing 261, Health Sciences 205. Fall.
5.00 Credits
(3) Introduces the assessment of health within the Dungan Model of Dynamic Integration (developmental, cultural, physiological cognitive, psychological, behavioral, spiritual, and social support). Focus on the assessment of physiological responses of the individual across the life span. Practice component provided (three lab hours, 5 clock hours). Prerequisites: Exercise and Sport Science 112, 113.
3.00 Credits
(3) Focuses on the life cycle of a healthy family beginning at conception. Addresses family development, maternity care, transitions, and common problems of healthy families (3 clock hours). Prerequisites: Nursing 160 or 165, 261, 262, Biology 110, Nutrition 280. Corequisites: Nursing 264, 272. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Clinical laboratory includes instruction and practice in the modalities of direct care, teaching, counseling, alternative care, and social support in healthy families. Focus on clients and families of all ages, especially childbearing, child rearing, and aging family (9 clock hours). Prerequisites: Nursing 160 or 165, 261, 262, Biology 110, Nutrition 280. Corequisites: Nursing 264, 271. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on vulnerable individuals and families across the life span who are in transition due to their responses to common illnessrelated phenomena such as pain, inflammation infection, neoplasia, altered immunity, surgical intervention or fluid/electrolyte imbalances, accidents and poisoning, congenital and developmental disorders (3 clock hours). Prerequisites: All 100 and 200 level nursing courses, Health Sciences 205. Corequisite: Nursing 362. Fall.
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