Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Continuation of the study of the philosophy and pedagogy of the Suzuki Talent Education violin method founded by Shinichi Suzuki. Violinists only after volume four. Prerequisite: Music 260, 261, or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
(1) Introduces techniques and develops skills used in improvisation with emphasis on percussion, guitar, keyboard, vocal, or mixed media improvisation exercises. Resources and facilitation techniques also explored. Prerequisites: Music 184, 266, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on procedures and instructional materials used in teaching general music in the elementary school. Develops pedagogical skills in singing, playing, movement, and creative exploration. Applies the teaching methods of Dalcroze, Kodaly, Orff, and other approaches.
3.00 Credits
Examines theoretical, performance, pedagogical, technological, and integrative skills applied in secondary music education. Introduces strategies for teaching and designing both performing and non-performing music courses. Investigates approaches to curriculum development, computer-assisted instruction, assessment of standards and lesson planning.
3.00 Credits
Prepares the pre-service teacher for directing, organizing, and maintaining a quality choral program at the secondary level. Addresses necessary principles, skills, and issues conducive to successful teaching and administrating. Provides opportunities to develop teaching and directing skills, to review and synthesize relevant literature, and to further personal growth and professional preparation.
3.00 Credits
Prepares the pre-service teacher for directing, organizing, and maintaining a quality band and string program at the secondary level. Addresses necessary principles, skills, and issues conducive to successful teaching and administrating. Provides opportunities to develop teaching and directing skills, to review and synthesize relevant literature, and to further personal growth and professional preparation.
3.00 Credits
Develops knowledge of the AMTA ethics code, reimbursement, documentation, administrative responsibilities, counseling skills, and song composition and arranging for clients. Prerequisite: Music 286 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines the psychoacoustical parameters of music; the perception of melody, harmony, rhythm, and form; affective responses to music; musical preference and ability; neurophysiology and musical behavior; learning theory and music; functional music; and measurement and evaluation of musical behavior. Prerequisite: Music 286 or permission of instructor.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Provides credit for participation in internship programs in music management. Prerequisite: Junior standing, music management major or permission of the instructor.
2.00 Credits
Overview of professions in music management and business. Hosts guest lecturers in arts management, retail, software and technology, and recording. Projects include student interviews and research paper/presentation in the chosen field of interests.
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