Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
One- and two-dimensional steady and transient conduction in isotropic solids. Numerical methods in conduction. Forced and free convection in single phase fluids. Thermal radiation and radiation heat transfer. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 362. Corequisite: Mechanical Engineering 366. Fall.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Includes the statistical analysis of experimental data, error analysis, and uncertainty analysis. Basic electrical and mechanical sensing devices will be covered as part of the complete data acquisition and processing system. Included is measurement of displacement, velocity, acceleration, pressure, flow, temperature, force, torque, strain vibration, and other physical phenomena. Corequisites: Mechanical Engineering 344, 366. May be repeated. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Relations between loads, deformations, stresses, and strains; curved beams; beams on elastic supports; thick-walled cylinders; unsymmetrical bending; failure theories; energy methods for statically indeterminate members. Prerequisite: Mechanical/Civil Engineering 232.
3.00 Credits
Elements of dislocation theory; properties of mono-crystalline, poly-crystalline, amorphous, and polymeric materials; relations between solid state defects and mechanical properties; fatigue, creep, and fracture of materials. Prerequisite: Mechanical/Civil Engineering 232.
3.00 Credits
Design of fasteners, springs, brakes, clutches, chains, and belts. Computer optimization. Principles of concurrent engineering. Parametric modeling software for analysis and design. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 344.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the finite element method for the solution of problems encountered in stress analysis, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Theoretical concepts are covered as well as the application of popular computer software packages. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 344, 366.
3.00 Credits
Kinematics of vibratory motion, study of single and multi-degree of freedom systems. Dynamic forces in vibrating systems. Computer applications in vibration analysis. Prerequisite: Mathematics 324, Mechanical/Civil Engineering 213.
3.00 Credits
Mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic lumped parameter mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems. Response of first and second order systems. Introduction to feedback control of linear systems. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 213, 362, Mathematics 324.
3.00 Credits
Hands-on use of actuators and sensors in the design of electro-mechanical systems. Systems may include electric motors, shape memory alloys, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators, solenoids, position and proximity sensors. Students learn a synergistic design approach incorporating mechanics, electronics, computer programming, and controls. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 397, 452.
3.00 Credits
Real gases and gas mixtures, thermodynamics of state relationships. Combustion and thermochemistry. Concepts of statistical thermodynamics. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 362.
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