Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Introduces properties of materials, discusses bonding, nature of metals, polymers, ceramics, crystals and crystal defects, and struc- ture-sensitive and insensitive properties. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118 or permission of the instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Covers general principles of stress and strain, including elastic and inelastic behavior, shear, torsion, stresses in beams, and deflection of beams and columns. Prerequisite: Mechanical/Civil Engineering 212. Fall, spring.
1.00 - 2.00 Credits
Introduces computer aided manufacturing. Students are provided the opportunity to work on a large scale project in a team environment. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 197 or permission of instructor. May be repeated. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Considers manufacturing processes for metals and non-metals. Included are casting, forming, machining, welding, and techniques for manufacturing plastics. Includes tours of manufacturing facilities. Corequisites: Mechanical Engineering 232. Spring.
1.00 Credits
An integrated series of experiments on the physical and mechanical behavior of materials including the effects of various types of loads, time, temperature, and environment. Materials studied include ferrous, plastics, and other nonferrous materials. Corequisites: Mechanical Engineering 230, 232. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Graphical, analytical, and computer-aided methods of analyzing displacement, velocity, acceleration, and dynamic forces and couples found in mechanisms. Synthesis/design of simple mechanisms. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 213. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Theories of failure. Design using factor of safety and reliability. Steady and variable loading, straight and curved sections. Design of gears, shafts, and bearings. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 232 or permission of the instructor. Spring.
2.00 Credits
Fundamental principles and experiments in thermal and fluid systems. Flow measurement, calorimetry, thermodynamic cycles, and engine performance. Experimental projects in thermo/fluids engineering. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 362. Corequisite: Mechanical Engineering 366. Spring.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to thermodynamic principles and the fundamentals of energy analysis. Properties of pure substances. First and second laws of thermodynamics. Exergy and irreversibility. Gas mixtures and psychometrics. Simple gas and vapor cycles. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the physical properties of fluids and the mechanics of fluid flow. Covers general properties of fluids, fluid statics, and dynamics and dimensional analysis. Applications studied include pipe systems, aerodynamic drag, open channel flow, and compressible flow. Prerequisite: Mechanical/Civil Engineering 213. Fall, spring.
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