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3.00 Credits
Examines the legacy of Wilson's policy for the Middle East and how it shaped United States decolonization policy following World War II. Considers the emergence of independent states, including Israel, and the conflicts between nations and non-state actors since 1945. Studies the United States' role in the Middle East and considers how this has helped shape the current state of affairs in the area. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
3.00 Credits
Examines the distinct historical developments and modernization of both China and Japan as well as the intersection of their cultures, economies, and political institutions. Outlines the development and eventual decline of the Qing dynasty and the Tokugawa shogunate in the face of western imperialism. Traces the divergent paths taken by the two countries in their efforts to challenge Western domination, assert national independence, and establish regional strength. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
3.00 Credits
Studies the European settlement of the future United States and Canada in the 17th and 18th centuries. Pays particular attention to colonial political, social, and cultural life. Also considers the exchanges, cultural, and otherwise, between the settler and native peoples and the impact these exchanges had on settler culture. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 141 or 317 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
History of the United States from the outbreak of the Revolution to the Compromise of 1850. Pays particular attention to the political, social, and economic legacy of the Revolution and the challenges which that legacy faced in the early nineteenth century. Prerequisite: History 112 or 141 or 142.
3.00 Credits
Studies the events leading to the Civil War. Examines the economic, political, social, and military aspects of the war and considers the post-war period of Reconstruction. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 141 or 142 or 341 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Broad understanding of the main developments in American diplomatic history. Students engage several major themes in United States foreign policy and learn how these interact by studying specific events throughout the history of America's involvement in the world. Discusses United States interaction with nations on every continent and throughout the centuries, looking for inconsistencies in these interactions and their impact on current global issues. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 141 or 142.
3.00 Credits
Examines the causes of the Great Depression, compares it to previous economic crises, compares the responses of Hoover and Roosevelt to the depression, and discusses the origins, development, and impact of the New Deal. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 142 or 319 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Studies the time period between Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) and the end of the Vietnam War (1975). Considers how well-established traditions, in such areas as governmental policies (domestic and foreign), gender, and race relations, faced new challenges. Examines important people, events, and ideological arguments in this pivotal period of American history. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 142 or 348 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines complex forces that shaped these five countries from independence to the present day. Uses comparative study to consider issues of nationalism, race, agrarian and labor concerns, relations with the United States, and environmental problems. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 151 or 353 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines Mexico's diverse history, centered on the interaction between the indigenous peoples and European settlers, from 1492 to the present. Pays special attention to the impact of "foreign" ideas, economicdemands, and population groups. Special attention to relations between this complex nation and its neighbors, particularly the United States. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 151 or 352 or permission of instructor.
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