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3.00 Credits
Introduction to electromagnetic field theory. Topics include Maxwell's equations, divergence, Poisson's and Laplace'equations, conductance and capacitance, Stokes' theorem, retarded potentials, Poynting theorem, and skin effect. Prerequisite: Mathematics 324. Recommended: Physics 211. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the principles and concepts which are the basis of electric power systems. Topics include single phase and three phase systems, the per-unit system, synchronous generators, single phase and three phase power transformers modeling and design, transmission line models for steady state operation, transmission system design, line load-ability and stability limits, power flow analysis, fault tolerance, and optimal dispatch of generation. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 215.
3.00 Credits
Lecture/project covers analysis and design of diode and transistor circuits. Diode, bipolar junction transistor (BJT), and field effect transistor (JFET and MOSFET) device characteristics explored in detail. Major topics include diode applications, transistor amplifiers, and digital logic families. Clipping, rectification, regulation, and logic circuits included in the discussion of diode applications. Common transistor amplifier configurations are compared with emphasis on differences in gain, input resistance, and output resistance. Digital logic family coverage includes discussion of CMOS, ECL, and TTL. Several small team projects used to reinforce theory and to develop circuit design skills. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 210, 254. Corequisite: Electrical Engineering 310 or permission of the instructor. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Lecture/project with continued coverage of material presented in Electrical Engineering 342. Major topics include frequency effects, power amplifiers, analog integrated circuits, feedback and stability, the design of operational amplifier ICs, and nonideal effects in operational amplifier circuits. Specific topics include high frequency BJT and FET models, frequency response of transistor amplifiers, Miller effect, Class A/AB/C power amplifiers, thermal modeling, efficiency, current mirrors, active loads, differential amplifiers, Nyquist stability criterion, frequency compensation, gain-bandwidth product, op amp slew, op amp offset effects, and compensation. Several small team projects are used to reinforce theory and to develop design skills. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 215, 310, 342. Corequisite: Electrical Engineering 360 or permission of the instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Takes up the logical design of computer systems with emphasis on the interaction between hardware and software. Topics include register design, memory systems, programmable I/O devices, interrupt driven I/O, controller design and microprogramming, bus systems, interface electronics, and assembly language programming. Computer aided design tools are used throughout course. Several different microcontrollers are used for projects to illustrate concepts. Assembly language and C used for class projects. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 254 and working knowledge of C or C++. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the graphical user interface provided by the Windows? operating system using C#.Net. Topics include the console applications, windows forms, elementary graphics, ASP.NET web forms, ADO.NET, TCP/IP connection between computers, and dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) and/or device drivers. Prerequisites: Engineering 123 or Computer Science 210, and Electrical Engineering 254 or Computer Science 220. Same as Computer Science 376. Fall.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to analysis and design of linear analog and digital feedback control systems. Topics include system modeling, time and frequency domain performance analysis, stability analysis, and controller design. Introduces both rootlocus and frequency domain techniques of system analysis and design. Presents emulation techniques for digital controller design. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 310. Spring.
2.00 Credits
Provides for the design and construction of several openended projects chosen from 300 level electrical engineering courses. Project areas include digital and analog electronics, linear systems, logic design, microcomputers, electromagnetics, electro-optics, and circuits. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 215 and 12 hours of 300-level electrical engineering courses. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Lecture/project covers analysis and design of active circuits. Major topics include feedback, instrumentation amplifiers, active filter design, non-linear circuits, signal generators, and voltage regulation circuits. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering 310, 343.
3.00 Credits
Provides a mathematical treatment of random processes as they apply to electrical systems. Topics include probability and random variables, functions of random variables, conditional statistics, correlation functions, power density spectrum, Gaussian white noise, and random signal processings. Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 310, Mathematics 324, Mathematics 365 or Engineering 390 or permission of the instructor. Fall.
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