Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Students learn the nature of educational assessment by studying the principles and practices of diagnostic procedures in special education. Examines formal and informal assessments, standardized tests, test administration, test interpretation, and summary writing in the primary academic areas of reading, mathematics, and written expression. Learn to utilize assessment as a means for formulating educational goals and instructional objectives along with measuring a student's progress. An instructional remediation practicum in reading, mathematics, and written expression assigned.
3.00 Credits
Teachers, counselors, and administrators introduced to the roles of computers in education in the areas of administration, computer-assisted instruction, computer-managed instruction, and computer-assisted guidance programs. Computer-assisted instruction and computer-managed instruction emphasized. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, 265.
3.00 Credits
A detailed study of the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional characteristics of early adolescence (from about 14 to 18 years). Instructional implications of developmental patterns investigated. Topics include the developmental characteristics of youth as they relate to and determine curriculum goals, relevance of content, instructional organization, independence and leadership development goals, career education goals, and other special needs of the early adolescent and middle student. Prerequisite: Psychology 226 or permission of instructor. Alternate years. Fall.
4.00 Credits
Experiences to engage in supervision and organization of diagnosis and remediation of literacy difficulties in a classroom setting. Under supervision of a University instructor. Prerequisites: Education 422, 427, or permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
1.00 Credits
General overview of deafness. Many aspects of the deaf community and skills necessary for individuals who plan to work or associate with deaf persons emphasized. Anatomic and medical aspects of deafness, audiology, communication with the deaf, telecommunication devices, educational issues, vocational rehabilitation, sociological factors, psychological factors, and legal aspects of deafness.
3.00 Credits
Familiarity with the basic structures of sign language. Emphasizes acquisition of a core vocabulary of signs and finger spelling in American Sign Language or signed English. Develops skills and techniques of nonverbal communication necessary to communicate effectively with deaf persons.
3.00 Credits
Expands sign vocabulary and ability to utilize the manual alphabet. The use of conceptually appropriate signs in conversation emphasized; receptive skills developed further. Prerequisite: Education 481 or permission of instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Opportunities to communicate solely in sign language in a variety of activities and situations. Prerequisites: Education 481, 482, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to diverse lifestyles related to a variety of cultural groups. The worth of all individuals emphasized and the importance of this view for developing the understanding required for intercultural relationships stressed.
3.00 Credits
(3) Examines definitions of the term "gifted,"delineates characteristics unique to the gifted and talented, and reviews procedures used to identify these children. The nature of creativity and the direction of programs for youth of diverse abilities considered. Related research reviewed. Prerequisite: Junior level in teacher education or permission of instructor.
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