Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Ways to build effective home/school relationships and provide parent effectiveness training emphasized; teaching parents how to teach their children stressed.
2.00 Credits
An overview of kindergarten programming. Topics include the social climate of the classroom, ways to provide for the child's well-being, available equipment and supplies, curricular and daily schedule plans, preparing records and reports, foundations of learning and readiness for first grade, and kindergarten organization and administration. Laboratory experiences included. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200. Offered alternate spring semesters.
3.00 Credits
(3) Opportunities to integrate basic skills and knowledge in selected applied practice situations. Includes a field experience with observations, assessments, lesson presentation and planning in an English-as-a-new-language setting. Prerequisites: Education 325, 326, 327, or permission of instructor, admission to teacher education.
4.00 Credits
Integrates communicative skills with classroom experiences. Gives students opportunity to apply skills and methodology learned in language arts, reading, and children's literature courses in actual classroom situations in individualized, small group, and whole group teaching situations. Supervision by the classroom teacher and the college instructor blends theory, research, methodology, and practical experience in teaching the language arts in the classroom. Additional internship hours required. Prerequisites: Junior status, Education 100, 200, 320. Corequisites: Education 330, 403, 422, or permission of instructor, admission to teacher education. Fall.
4.00 Credits
Coordinates the teaching of mathematics, science, and social studies in the elementary school. Students placed so they can apply the appropriate methodology for each of these subject areas. Provides practicum experiences that allow the developing teacher to apply newly developed skills. Additional internship hours required. Prerequisite: Junior status, Education 100, 200, 320. Corequisites: Education 321, 323, 324, or permission of instructor, admission to teacher education. Spring.
3.00 Credits
The processes, procedures, and problems encountered in teaching the language arts discussed. Consideration for developing and refining the pupil's proficiency in the oral and written language domains included. Spelling, usage, handwriting, and linguistics for the classroom teacher also studied. Prerequisite: Education 320. Corequisites: Education 330, 418, 426, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(3) Explores developmental aspects of reading acquisition as they relate particularly to the early stages of learning to read. Provides background and techniques to promote reading acquisition. Evaluation, diagnosis, and remediation of those early skills stressed. Students learn to involve parents in the development of pre-reading skills. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, 224. Fall.
4.00 Credits
Explores process, procedures, and problems in teaching reading and language arts. Reading content includes basic knowledge and competency required for planning and implementing developmental reading programs. Language arts content includes basic knowledge and skills for instruction designed to develop and refine students' proficiency in oral and written language. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Theory and methodology of teaching reading emphasized. Stresses basic knowledge and competency required for planning and implementing developmental reading programs in the elementary school. Basic instrumental emphasis on developing the diagnostic-prescriptive instructional design. Prerequisite: Education 320. Corequisites: Education 330, 418, 420, or permission of instructor. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Diagnosis and treatment of reading difficulties for the classroom teacher are discussed. Emphasizes diagnostic strategies and treatment procedures for common kinds of reading problems. Clinical experiences integral to this course. Prerequisite: Education 422. Spring.
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