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3.00 Credits
Continuation of ENL techniques and methods covered in Education 326. Provides students more indepth knowledge and additional applications of ENL foundations, techniques, and learning variables. Students study the latest ENL approaches and then work on the application of these principles as they pertain to classroom management, learning styles, and classroom interaction/dynamics. Participants also examine the acquisition of both first and second languages so they can compare and contrast the two processes for a better assessment of errors and approaches for learning.
3.00 Credits
Literature, stories, essays, issues, and language materials for kindergarten through young adult reviewed. Corequisites: Education 418, 420, 426, or permission of instructor. Fall.
2.00 Credits
Studies values of literature for middle school (grades five to nine) and junior and senior high school students, and develops techniques for helping the character. Teachers and community leaders are trained to lead small and large group discussions. Materials are selected to further the interests, tastes, and values of all available literature. Prerequisites: One general education literature course, Education 100, 200, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Models of kindergarten education based on various child growth and development philosophies of how young children grow and develop are utilized as the basis for designing age-appropriate effective instruction for meaningful school programs for young children. Topics include developmentally appropriate curriculum planning, classroom management (rules, procedures, discipline), environmental design, organization, and administration of model programs. Laboratory experiences are provided. Prerequisite: Education 224. Spring.
3.00 Credits
(3) For prospective teachers in all-grade art, music, and physical education programs. Addresses curriculum and teaching issues at elementary, middle school, and senior high school levels. Practicum experiences included. Should be taken in the same semester that the teaching major special methods course is taken. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
The application of learning principles, analysis of forces influencing the educational process, and the general methods and procedures used in teaching in secondary schools are studied. Intern teaching experiences required in addition to class time. Additional internship hours required. Junior-level course. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, 320, admission to teacher eduction. Corequisite: Appropriate methods course selected from Education 451-461. Fall, spring.
1.00 Credits
Introduces basic classroom management techniques designed to promote teaching with individuals and groups. Areas of emphasis include avoiding behavior problems, solving behavior problems, and fostering personal growth. Utilizes research-based approach. Prerequisite: Education 100, 200. Fall.
4.00 Credits
Opportunities to integrate basic skills and knowledge in applied practice situations. Observations, assessment, lesson presentation, and curriculum planning in primary setting stressed. Laboratory experiences provided. Prerequisites: Education 224, 345. Fall.
3.00 Credits
(3) Explores a variety of methods, materials, and theories regarding the identification and integration of handicapped children 0-5 years of age into preschool programs. Emphasizes identification, assessment, intervention, teaching techniques, abnormal development, program administration, curriculum revision, physical facilities and adaptations, referral processes, and resources. Prerequisite: Psychology 226 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Stresses the roles of creative learning and play experiences in the child's intellectual, social, and emotional development. Studies the developmental and therapeutic aspects of play and appropriate methods and materials for structuring play.
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