Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Emphasizes practical application of the content in Education 306. Corequisite: Education 306. Note: All clinical experiences involve assignments for three hours a day, four days a week, for 14 weeks. Students are assigned to a special education class, resource room, itinerant teacher, or community agency serving handicapped children. Activities in the clinical placement are designed to enhance the instruction presented in the corequisite courses.
3.00 Credits
Introduces prevalence, etiology, and definitions of severe and/or multiple disabilities. Students learn to design education programs and develop community service programs to supplement family support. Ethical issues (e.g., genetic screenings, abortion, withholding of medical treatment) are explored. Additional issues include assistive technology, functional skills, and vocational skills. Finally, the idea of inclusion and the transition of students with severe disabilities from school to community life are discussed.
3.00 Credits
(3) Emphasizes practical application of the content in Education 308. All clinical experiences involve assignments for three hours a day, four days a week, for 14 weeks. Students are assigned to a special education class, resource room, itinerant teacher, or community agency serving handicapped children. Activities in the clinical placement are designed to enhance the instruction presented in the corequisite course. Corequisite: Education 308.
3.00 Credits
For prospective kindergarten-12 teachers. Addresses curricular and teaching issues from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. Emphasis on understanding the K-12 curriculum and preparing developmentally appropriate instructional strategies. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, or permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Examines methods of teaching the social sciences using current materials and basic concepts. Unit planning and inquiry methods of teaching, including the knowledge and use of learning resources, emphasized. Prerequisite: Education 320. Corequisites: Education 323, 324, 419, or permission of instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Designed for K-12 teachers, includes development of skills, strategies, and knowledge needed to meet the educational needs of students with special needs. Special needs students, including those with learning disabilities, cultural or language differences, or other conditions that inhibit learning, have a right to access the regular education curriculum and are often included in regular classrooms. This course includes a practicum in local schools. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, 320, or permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
(3) The discovery approach to teaching science emphasized. Prerequisites: Two general science courses, Education 320. Corequisites: Education 321, 324, 419, or permission of the instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Provides experiences in methods, materials, and organization of elementary and middle school mathematics education. Emphasis on activity-based learning and meeting individual needs of students including mainstreamed students. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisites: Education 320, Mathematics 101, 202. Corequisites: Education 321, 323, 419, or permission of the instructor.
4.00 Credits
Examines linguistic development in humans from the initial attempts at speech and language to the production of mature language. Content assists the prospective talker in identifying speech disorders and evaluating speech and language development. Theories of language acquisition presented along with their implications for language arts programming from infancy through the junior high/middle school. Lab experiences and report writing included. Prerequisites: Education 100, 200, Psychology 226.
3.00 Credits
(3) Provides a comprehensive overview of effective English as a new language (ENL) techniques and explains how to apply techniques to the fundamentals of language acquisition. Designed for those who are either presently teaching or will be teaching English to international students, either in the United States or overseas. Prospective ENL teachers learn practical classroom applications and various teaching techniques. Provides participants with guidelines for planning lessons involving specific techniques, activities for enhancing textbook exercises, and effective methods for correcting student errors.
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