Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Varied topics of periodic interest not covered in regular course offerings. May be repeated. Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of instructor.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Completion of individual course of study under faculty supervision. Topic and credit hours must be approved in advance in accordance with University policy. May be repeated twice for up to six hours credit.
3.00 Credits
Intended for students who are not computer science or engineering majors. Provides broad introduction to various concepts and tools used in computing. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, problem solving, computability, databases, networking, Internet/Web, user interfaces, artificial intelligence, robotics, and short introduction to programming. Background should include two semesters of high school algebra. Credit not given for more than one of Computer Science 101 or 105 or Engineering 101.
3.00 Credits
Explores the power and limitations of using computers in the sciences. Includes the study of various approaches to solving scientific problems such as numerical representations, computational numerical methods, and scientific simulations. Course may not be counted toward graduation for computer science or engineering majors. Prerequisite: Mathematics 134, 211, or 221.
3.00 Credits
Emphasizes problem-solving techniques used in the analysis and design of software solutions, including structured top-down design, abstraction, good programming style, debugging, and testing. Programming constructs covered include control structures, functions, and basic, aggregate, and user-defined data types. Introduction to object-oriented design and recursion. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Project and problem-solving course emphasizes the use of classes for encapsulation of abstract data types and abstract data structures. Topics include classes, templates, dynamic allocation, searching and sorting, recursion, and exception handling. Prerequisite: Computer Science 210. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to logic design and computer hardware concepts. Topics include Boolean algebra, number representations, sequential logic, counters and registers, microcomputer architecture, and assembly language programming. Spring.
3.00 Credits
In-depth study of abstract data types and objects, including inheritance and polymorphism, frameworks and design patterns, and the use of these principles in problem solving and program design. Prerequisite: Computer Science 215. Spring.
1.00 Credits
Study of problem solving under time pressure. Simulation of the programming contest environment. All problems considered come from past programming contests. Highly recommended for any student interested in programming competitions. Prerequisite: Computer Science 215 or permission of the instructor. May be repeated for up to three credit hours. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Design and implementation of algorithms and advanced data structures with attention to complexity and space analysis. Problem-solving strategies including greedy and divideand- conquer algorithms as well as dynamic programming techniques. Prerequisites: Computer Science 215, Mathematics 370. Spring.
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