Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Examines the communication process of individuals from different cultures or subcultures. Explores possible sources of misunderstandings in intercultural communication (e.g., time/space factors, linguistic and nonverbal factors, ethnocentric communication, communication problems of persons engaged in personal or professional intercultural contacts). Prerequisites: Communication 130.
3.00 Credits
Critical examination of research and theories dealing with selected variables in one-to-one relationships. Prerequisite: Communication 130.
3.00 Credits
(3) Theoretical foundations and practical skills for examining and applying communication principles in groups. Surveys concepts such as cohesiveness, leadership, groupthink, deviance, networks, choice shift, and brainstorming as they relate to communication. Prerequisite: Communication 130.
3.00 Credits
Examination of the factors that lead to conflicts, and theory and practice in using communication strategies to resolve conflict. Prerequisite: Communication 130.
3.00 Credits
(3) Application of the tools of communication in an organization. Topics include information flow, motivation and influence, power, leadership transactions, networks, channels, teamwork, and territoriality. Prerequisites: Communication 130.
1.00 Credits
Supervised practical experience in student media or other university information outlets. May be repeated for up to three hours credit. No more than six hours total credit given for Communication 390 and 395 combined. Fall, spring.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Supervised practical experience in an off-campus mass communicationrelated organization. Application required. May be repeated for up to three hours credit. Prerequisites: one course from Communication 211, 221, 231, 251, 341; GPA of 2.50 or better; 36 hours of completed academic credit. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to theory and research in the field of mass media. Examines the role of mass media in modern society and the influence of media institutions and messages on individuals, communities, and society. Includes an overview of basic research methods associated with media research. Students integrate theoretical knowledge into media research areas relevant to communication professionals today. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.
3.00 Credits
Examines the rights, responsibilities, and constraints on public communication in the United States. Emphasis on the effects and interaction of differing ethical constructs and First Amendment theories and sources of constraints on the mass media. Covers regulatory policies affecting advertising, public relations, journalism, and present and future electronic mass mediums. Also examines legal areas of libel, privacy, obscenity, access to and ownership of information, and media outlets. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing. Spring.
3.00 Credits
(3) Senior seminar in communication. Students learn to identify organizational issues, conduct situation analyses, and evaluate communication programs. Examination of the interrelationships between media and international societies and cultures, utilizing diverse perspectives from science, business, art, and humanities. Develop and execute a detailed integrated communication campaign for real-world clients. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Spring.
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