Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Covers rectilinear and curvilinear motions, force, mass, acceleration, projectiles, pendulums, inertia forces in machines, work and energy, impulse, and momentum and impact. Prerequisite: Mechanical/Civil Engineering 212. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Introduces properties of materials, discusses bonding, nature of metals, polymers, ceramics, crystals and crystal defects, and struc- ture-sensitive and insensitive properties. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118 or permission of the instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Covers general principles of stress and strain, including elastic and inelastic behavior, shear, torsion, stresses in beams, and deflection of beams and columns. Prerequisite: Mechanical/Civil Engineering 212. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Covers general principles of contracting, planning, scheduling, productivity, quantity calculations, cost estimating, and project economics. Includes the use of Primavera SureTrak? project management software. A comprehensive project uses plans and specs from a local project. Fall.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to civil engineering materials in construction, specifically steel, timber, aggregate, Portland cement concrete, and asphaltic concrete. The focus is on the manufacture, origin, and design of materials; physical and chemical properties of materials; stress-strain behavior of materials up to failure; and evaluation of materials through destructive and nondestructive methods. Hands-on labs emphasize characterization of physical and mechanical properties of materials, planning and execution of experiments, and interpretation of experimental data. Two hours lecture, three hours lab. Corequisite: Civil/Mechanical Engineering 230 or permission of instructor. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Covers mass composition and phase diagrams, soil classification, principles of effective stress, seepage and fluid flow through soil, stress distribution, theory of consolidation, time rate of settlement, shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soil, compaction, and surcharging. Three hour lecture. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 232. Corequisite: Civil Engineering 366. Spring.
1.00 Credits
Experiments in sieve analysis, Atterberg Limits, permeability, field density, compaction, consolidation, unconfined compression, and direct shear. Field trips. Corequisite: Civil Engineering 338.
3.00 Credits
Analysis of statically determinate beams and trusses for internal forces and displacements. Moving load effects and influence line theory. Analysis of statically indeterminate structures. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 232 or permission of instructor. Fall.
3.00 Credits
LRFD design of structural steel members including tension members, beams and columns. Design of bolted and welded connections. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 340. Spring.
3.00 Credits
Design of reinforced concrete structural members including rectangular sections for bending and shear. Rebar development length concepts. Design of columns for axial load and bending. Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 331, 340. Fall.
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