Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(3) A sociological social psychology course. Explores social interaction, selective perception, human symbolic behavior, language, social structure, emotions, perceptions and memory, sexuality, development of self, identity, aging, and deviance. Prerequisite: Sociology 105 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Explores the basics of community organization and development, with special attention to urbanized areas. Prerequisite: Economics 101, Geography 240, Political Science 100, Psychology 121, or Sociology 105.
3.00 Credits
Studies marriage and the American family, both dominant and subcultural patterns, its structure and relationships, with particular attention to parent and child roles. Prerequisite: Sociology 105 or permission of instructor. Offered as independent study.
3.00 Credits
Examines the nonbiological aspects of health and health care. Topics include social definitions of health, professionalization in the health industry, patient-practitioner relationships, and the organization of health care systems in the United States and other countries. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Recommended for students desiring an introductory statistics course which emphasizes application and interpretation. Covers basic statistical techniques used in behavioral research. Studies frequently used descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on the interpretation of quantitative data and statistical reasoning in behavioral research.
3.00 Credits
Provides critical analysis of the sociological impact of the popular culture, including sport, mass media, art forms, and literature. Offered as an independent study.
3.00 Credits
Examines classical and contemporary sociological theories, as well as micro- and macro-sociological approaches. General theoretical frameworks include constructionism, functionalism, utilitarianism, critical structuralism, conflict theory, feminism, symbolic interactionism, postmodernism, and integrated theories. Conceptual consideration given to agency, rationality, structure, system, culture and ideology, power, gender, and stratification. Prerequisites: Sociology 105 and junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines the relationship between social policy and social structure. Examines key social policies and their impact. Prerequisite: Economics 101, Geography 240, Political Science 100, Psychology 121, or Sociology 105.
3.00 Credits
Studies the sociology of United States and global minority and ethnic relations. Examines class, ethnic, gender, and racial stratification, and power and inequality. Analyzes patterns of ethnic integration and multiculturalism. Details the social and psychological dimensions of discrimination and prejudice, as well as racial and ethnic conflict and accommodation. Prerequisite: Sociology 105 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Students complete an original research paper that uses data gathering and interpretive skills. Course content includes the general topics of social organization, social change, and social stratification as they relate to the world cultures courses. Prerequisites: Sociology major or minor, senior standing, Sociology 235, 344.
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