Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Continues practice in grammar, speaking, listening, writing, reading, and cultural awareness.
3.00 Credits
Continued study of Russian grammar with attention to participles and prefixed verbs of motion. Regular work on speaking, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Topics and credit hours must be prearranged with instructor. Repeatable as text and authors change. May be repeated with content change.
3.00 Credits
Broad survey of Russian culture. Includes geography, history, folk culture, literature, art, religion, music, cinema, and contemporary post-Soviet society. Taught in English. Alternate years.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the basic elements of a standard Web site and the database and user interface using Microsoft's Access and FrontPage software. Also covers basic HTML and a brief historical overview of the Internet. Fall, spring.
3.00 Credits
Examines deviance through a number of sociological and other perspectives.
3.00 Credits
(3) Focuses on the three basic population processes of growth, decline, and migration. Special emphasis on the social, economic, and political consequences of population change. Offered as independent study.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on major social, economic, political, and environmental issues confronting the modern world. Covers both global and U.S. issues.
3.00 Credits
Covers major research designs used in behavioral research. Topics include the relationship between theory and research, conceptualization, operationalization, hypothesis, and model development and sampling. Specific data gathering techniques covered include survey designs, field studies, case studies, projective techniques, diaries, secondary analysis, simulations, unobtrusive measures, sociometric and experimental techniques.
3.00 Credits
Topics chosen on the basis of programmatic need or student interest. Prerequisite: Economics 101, Geography 240, Political Science 100, Psychology 121, or Sociology 105.
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