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3.00 Credits
4220. Electromagnetic Waves. 3 hours. (3;0;1) Maxwell's equations; plane and spherical waves; reflection, refraction, guided waves, radiation and scattering. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 4210.
3.00 Credits
4310. Quantum Mechanics. 3 hours. (3;0;1) Origins of the modern theory of atomic structure; Schroedinger's formulation of non-relativistic, single-particle quantum mechanics and application to simple systems; the one-electron atom. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 3010/3030.
3.00 Credits
4350. Advanced Modern Physics I ¡ Atomic and Molecular Physics. 3 hours. Introduction to various quantum mechanical models of atomic and molecular structure and spectra. Hydrogen atom and simple spectra; external fields, line splitting; line broadening; addition of angular momentum and spin; effective fields, variational method; Hartree and Hartree-Fock theory; structure and spectra of multielectron atoms; Rydberg atoms; molecular binding; rotational, vibrational and electronic states and spectra of diatomic molecules. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 4310.
3.00 Credits
4360. Advanced Modern Physics II ¡ Nuclear and Particle Physics. 3 hours. Comprehensive study of nuclear structure and dynamics; survey of particle physics; properties of the nuclear force; interpretation of experimental data via specific many-body models; interaction of radiation with matter; classification of particles and nuclei; scattering theory; conservation laws and symmetry; and contemporary results. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 4350.
3.00 Credits
4420. Physical Optics. 3 hours. (3;0;1) Huygens' principle and application to geometrical optics; interference phenomena; Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction; polarization; electromagnetic theory of light and interaction with matter. Part of the instruction will be in a laboratory setting. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2220/2240.
3.00 Credits
4500. Introduction to Solid-State Physics. 3 hours. An introduction to the major areas of solid-state physics, including crystal structure and symmetry, lattice vibrations and phonons, thermal properties, energy bands, semiconductors, superconductivity, and magnetic properties. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 3010.
3.00 Credits
4550. Modern Classical Dynamics. 3 hours. Introduction to nonlinear dynamical systems; onset of chaos, phase space portraits, universality of chaos, strange attractors, experimental verification, fluid dynamics and the KAM theorem. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 3220.
3.00 Credits
4600. Computer Based Physics. 3 hours. Symbolic and numerical evaluations of single-variable and multi-variable integrals with a single line of programming. Symbolic evaluation of derivatives. Symbolic manipulation of lists including vectors and matrices. Data analysis. Multidimensional plots. Symbolic derivations. Symbolic and numerical solutions to single and multiple, linear and nonlinear, differential and partial differential equations. Probability densities and Monte Carlo methods. Random walk and classical trajectory simulations. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2220.
3.00 Credits
4610. Topics in Astronomy. 3 hours. (3;0;1) Selected topics in planetary and stellar astronomy: techniques of astronomical observation and measurement; evolution, composition and properties of our solar system and the universe; history of astronomy. Designed for students seeking secondary physical science/science teacher certification. The recitation hour for PHYS 4610 serves to cover teaching methods in astronomy, including the demonstration of measurement equipment (e.g., spectrometers, digital imaging, telescopes, etc.). Prerequisite(s): consent of department.
1.00 Credits
4630. Topics in Astronomy Laboratory. 1 hour. (0;3) Laboratory sequence for PHYS 4610. Designed for students seeking secondary physical science/science teacher certification. Emphasizes data acquisition (e.g., via astronomical observations), data analysis (e.g., of stellar spectra) for the selected topics covered in PHYS 4610, and includes an overview of how to set up the equipment for the laboratory exercises. Prerequisite(s): credit for or concurrent enrollment in PHYS 4610.
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