Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide in-depth study of the high incidence disabilities (i.e., specific learning disabilities, speech and language impairments, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, and other health impairments). Specific attention will be given to the etiologies of various diagnoses, their prevalence, and their characteristics. Students will be prepared to offer special education using a least restrictive environment-school wide delivery model. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: lecture, case study discussions, research papers, and text analysis. Prerequisites: EDU 140, permission of the instructor. 3 credits.
3.00 Credits
The focus of this course will be on systematic, direct instruction approaches for teaching mathematics to students who perform below grade level. In addition, this course will address adaptations and accommodations for the content areas of social studies, science, and health for those students with disabilities who read below grade level and, therefore, have difficulty reading grade level textbooks. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: hands on experience with systematic mathematics programs, lesson plans, small group work, and field experiences. Prerequisites: EDU 140, permission of the instructor. 3 credits.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide in-depth study of the low incidence disabilities (i.e., autism, developmental delay, multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness, visual impairments, hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, traumatic brain injury). Specific attention will be given to the etiologies and medical aspects of these diagnoses, their prevalence, and their characteristics. Instructional planning and assessment of student progress for these populations will be emphasized. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: lecture, case study discussions, research papers, and text analysis. Prerequisites: EDU 140, permission of the instructor. 3 credits.
3.00 Credits
This course will begin with study of behavior theories and researchers, as well as principles of applied behavior analysis. Students will learn how to use functional assessment of student behavior to hypothesize the functions of behavior and to plan appropriate and positive interventions. Students will learn how to measure and record behavioral data. Focus will be on prevention of problem behavior as well as how to manage challenging behaviors, both from a classroom and a school wide perspective. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: lecture, case study applications, field experiences, lesson plans, and research papers. 3 credits.
3.00 Credits
The focus of this course content will be on intensive language arts interventions for those students with disabilities who need systematic, direct instruction in order to become competent readers and writers. A variety of literacy programs will be examined, as well as language arts strategies and approaches which have been found effective for struggling readers. The requirements for a writing process course will be fulfilled through a case study paper and a research paper. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: case study papers, research papers, student presentations, simulations, field experiences, hands-on experience with various literacy programs, and lesson plans. Prerequisites: EDU 140, permission of the instructor. 3 credits.
3.00 Credits
This course will involve an in-depth examination of assessment, to include: universal screenings, diagnostic assessments to diagnose disabilities, authentic assessments, and benchmark, formative, and summative tools. Students will practice administering and scoring various assessments. They will analyze student progress data and use that data for writing IEP goals and for instructional planning. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: text analysis, field experiences, case study analyses, and hands-on experience with various assessments. Prerequisites: EDU 140, permission of the instructor. 3 credits.
3.00 Credits
This course will begin with an examination of the professional and ethical standards expected of both general and special educators. Review of special education legislation and litigation willbe conducted as it relates to safeguarding student health and welfare and in order that special education certifiers will have the knowledge to effectively advocate on behalf of their students with disabilities. In addition, collaboration and communication skills will be practiced and further developed through co-teaching opportunities and participation on special education teams. Delivery approach will include, but not be limited to: field experiences, class discussions, simulations, and reflective writing. Prerequisites: EDU 140, permission of the instructor. 3 credits.
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