Course Criteria
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3.00 - 12.00 Credits
The student placed as an intern in a private or public organization will apply social science methods and theories to a topic of current concern to the host organization. Participation 9 to 18 hr/wk required. (Spring, Summer, Fall). Liberal arts. Co-requisites: SOC497 Prerequisites: POI and chairperson; must be taken concurrently with SOC497.
1.00 - 15.00 Credits
Project individually arranged by student and faculty sponsor. Requires completion of the Independent Study form and approval by the Faculty Sponsor, Academic Advisor, Department Chair and Academic Dean. (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter).
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Beginning study of Spanish with emphasis on speaking, listening, reading, writing, and the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Open to students without previous knowledge of Spanish or to those who have had no more than two years of Spanish in high school. (Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter). Liberal arts.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Continuation of SPA111. (Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: SPA111, or 85 or higher Regents Exam, or placement by exam.
3.00 Credits
For students who have successfully completed 2-3 years of Spanish recently in high school or have placed in this course by examination. A review and expansion of Spanish linguistic structures and cultural studies. SPA150 is the equivalent of SPA111-SPA112. (Spring, Summer, Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: 2-3 years of high-school Spanish, or 85 or higher on the Regents Exam, or placement by exam.
1.00 - 15.00 Credits
Project individually arranged by student and faculty sponsor. Requires completion of the Independent Study form and approval by the Faculty Sponsor, Academic Advisor, Department Chair and Academic Dean.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Sequence for SPA112 or SPA150. Systematic review and practice of Spanish-language skills as well as expansion of cultural studies. (Fall , Spring, Winter). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: SPA112 or SPA150, or placement by exam.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Continuation of SPA213 and preparation for Spanish composition and conversation. (Fall , Spring, Winter). Prerequisite: SPA213, or placement by exam.
3.00 Credits
Study of Latin American and Spanish literary works in translation, examining representative texts, authors, genres or themes to promote better understanding of these cultures, both in the past and present. (Summer). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: another literary course in English or Spanish, or POI.
1.00 - 15.00 Credits
Project individually arranged by student and faculty sponsor. Requires completion of the Independent Study form and approval by the Faculty Sponsor, Academic Advisor, Department Chair and Academic Dean. (Fall).
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