Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course examines the social construction of gender. Students will explore the impact of gender on women's everyday experiences, including work and family situations, and the different ways in which gender structures women's lives depending on their race, social class and age. (Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: SOC101 or WMS101.
3.00 Credits
Examination of U.S. and world social problems. Focus on the social/political dynamics involved in the construction, causes, consequences of and alternative solutions to various issues/problems. Theoretical approaches are explored and contrasted. Liberal arts. Prerequisite: SOC101.
3.00 Credits
This course examines the impact of social structure and history on the experience of aging and death. Age as a basis of social stratification, and the intersection of age with gender, social class, and race or ethnicity. Major issues facing older Americans and anticipated changes in these issues for future generation of elderly people will be examined. (Spring, Summer, Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisites: SOC101 or PSY101.
3.00 Credits
A comparative theoretical analysis of family organization in different societies. (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisites: SOC101.
3.00 Credits
The course examines religion in social context: as systems of beliefs, symbols and rituals. Topics include theories of religious organization and behavior, types of religious groups, social definitions of the sacred and profane, and scientific versus religious bases of knowledge. (Spring, Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: SOC101.
3.00 Credits
Sociological analyses of mental health and illness: Social processes involved in the etiology and treatment of mental disorder. Epidemiological research on mental health and illness in the U.S. Contemporary policies and issues. Instruction will involve lecture, readings, individual student research projects, films and guest speakers. (Spring, Summer, Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisites: PSY101 or SOC101.
3.00 Credits
Sociological and social-historical analysis of health and health care. Factors which influence people's response to illness. Survey and comparison of health problems and practitioners in different societies. (Spring). Liberal arts. Prerequisites: SOC101.
3.00 Credits
The social organization of work and working in the U.S. and the world. How the labor markets operate, and how they differ across the world. How gender, race, and class affect working, including alienation and satisfaction. The influence of changing technology. How globalizing economic structures affect working in different countries. Labor/ management relations, unionization, and workplace democracy. (Spring, Summer). Liberal arts. Prerequisite: SOC101.
3.00 Credits
Position, culture and problems of racial and ethnic groups in the United States and globally. Factors which facilitate or restrict integration of minorities within society. (Spring, Summer, Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisites: SOC101.
3.00 Credits
Concept of community which concentrates on the empirically descriptive nature of such structures; theoretical and normative aspects of the community. Relationships between interaction and commitment of groups to a specific place; structured interaction of groups defined by the spatial scene. (Fall). Liberal arts. Prerequisites: SOC101.
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