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1.00 - 9.00 Credits
Active participation in research, under the supervision of a faculty adviser, leading to a master's thesis. Grades of IP are assigned until the thesis has been approved by the faculty adviser and accepted by the Office of Graduate Education to be archived in a standard format in the library. Grades will then be listed as S. Credit Hours: 1 to 9
1.00 - 16.00 Credits
Active participation in research, under the supervision of a faculty adviser, leading to a doctoral dissertation. Grades of IP are assigned until the dissertation has been publicly defended, approved by the doctoral committee, and accepted by the Office of Graduate Education to be archived in a standard format in the library. Grades will then be listed as S. Credit Hours: 1 to 16
3.00 Credits
This course covers foundations of discrete mathematics and fundamentals of computer theory. Topics include propositional logic, truth tables, quantifiers, sets, set operations, sequences, complexity of algorithms, divisibility, matrix manipulations, proofs, induction, recursion, counting and the pigeonhole principle, permutations, combinations, repeated trials, expectation, relations (properties, representation, equivalence, Warshall's algorithm), Boolean algebra, functions, logic gates, minimizing, Finite State Machines, Turning machines, Regular expressions, context free grammars, language recognizers, derivation trees, pushdown automata. When Offered: H and G, fall term annually; H, spring and summer term. Credit Hours: 3
3.00 Credits
A study of object oriented software component design. This course introduces the object oriented paradigm and its use in organizing software structures including arrays, stack, queues, lists, trees, graphs, and recursion. Programming assignments require the use of an object oriented language. Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CISH 4010 or equivalent and knowledge of an imperative programming language (C, PASCAL, etc.). Credit Hours: 3
3.00 Credits
Introduction to computer architecture; the structure and function of a computer system consisting of processors, memory, I/O modules, and its internal interconnections. Primary focus on the attributes of a system visible to an assembly level programmer. Topics include: digital logic, VLSI components, instruction sets, addressing schemes, memory hierarchy, cache and virtual memories, integer and floating point arithmetic, control structures, buses, RISC vs. CISC, multiprocessor and vector processing (pipelining) organizations. Examples are drawn from contemporary (e.g., Intel Pentium, PowerPC) microcomputers. Credit Hours: 3
3.00 Credits
Discussion of various aspects of computer operating systems design and implementation. Topics include: I/O programming, concurrent processes and synchronization problems, process management and scheduling of processes, virtual memory management, device management, file systems, deadlock problems, system calls, and interprocess communication. Programming projects are required. Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CISH 4020 and CISH 4030. When Offered: H, fall, spring annually; G, on sufficient demand. Credit Hours: 3
3.00 Credits
Discussion of the state of practice in modern database systems with an emphasis on relational systems. Topics include database design, database system architecture, SQL, normalization techniques, storage structures, query processing, concurrency control, recovery, security, and new direction such as object oriented and distributed database systems. Students gain hands-on experience with commercial database systems and interface building tools. Programming projects are required. Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CISH 4020 or equivalent. When Offered: H, spring, summer annually; G, on sufficient demand. Credit Hours: 3
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Credit Hours: 1 to 4
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Credit Hours: 1 to 4
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the theory and practice of object oriented programming and design. Encapsulation, inheritance, genericity, dynamic binding, and polymorphism. Students use these concepts to design and implement a modest-sized system. One object oriented language (chosen by the instructor) is studied in detail and required for the project. Other languages are covered briefly. Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: CSCI 4210. Credit Hours: 3