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3.00 Credits
Three Credits LA The suggested first literature course for Spanish majors and the recommended literature course for Spanish minors. An overview of the origins and development of the literatures of Spain and Hispanic America to the present time that will include a general introductory study of poetry, drama, the short story, and the novel. Offered every spring. Prerequisite: Upper-level Spanish-language course or sufficient background in Spanish
3.00 Credits
Three Credits LA In the age of the Internet and the global economy, the concept of human communication is rapidly changing. In this course, students will practice communicating in another language for the 21st century. Reading, writing, and speaking skills will be polished as the target culture is researched and discussed through e-mail, electronic discussion forums, Usenet groups, chat rooms, video conferencing, and the World Wide Web. Special attention will be given to the effective use of Spanish through computer technology. Taught every year in Spanish. Prerequisite: Sufficient background in Spanish
3.00 Credits
Three Credits LA Dual listed as CSSP 330 An introducution to the major directors, themes, and movements in Spanish Cinema.
3.00 Credits
Three Credits LA Dual listed as CSSP 335 An introduction to the major directors, themes, and movements in Latin American Cinema.
3.00 Credits
Three Credits LA Dual listed as CSSP 354 Spanish speakers are the fastest-growing minority in the United States and it is predicted that after the year 2000, they will be the largest minority. This course will study their presence in the United States as seen in the Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, and other Latino groups and the interaction between these groups and mainstream society. Taught in Spanish. Closed to students who have taken SPAN/CSSP 154.
3.00 Credits
Three Credits each LA Designed particularly for the nonnative Spanish majors or minors who wish to perfect their Spanish skills, these courses offer intense spoken and written practice. Topics will center around the culture, history, literature, films, and current events of the Spanish-speaking world. Closed to native speakers. SPAN 360 is offered every fall and SPAN 361 is offered when there is sufficient student interest.
3.00 Credits
Three Credits LA Discussion and analysis of representative works by 20th-century women writers from the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central and South America. Readings will provide a panoramic view of the themes, sensibilities, and artistic imaginations of Latin American women as well as the historical and cultural frameworks from which they write. Offered every three years. Prerequisite: Upper-level Spanish-language course or sufficient background in Spanish
3.00 Credits
Three Credits each LA ?pecial topics" courses serve as a vehicle by which a division may offer a topi-cal or thematic study not included in the regular course offerings. The specific content is indicated when the course is listed in the schedule of classes. Offered every semester. Prerequisite: Permission of Chairperson
3.00 Credits
One CTw o -Three Credits Qualifying students engage in work experience with various companies or agencies. Work performed, assigned readings, and a seminar project for three or more credits constitute the basis of the experience. Number of credits is determined beforehand by mutual consent. The internship should generally complement the student's minor. Offered every semester, intersession, and summer. Prerequisite: Permission of Chairperson
3.00 Credits
Three Credits each LA Designed particularly for Spanish majors, minors, and bilingual students who wish to perfect their written Spanish, this course offers intense written practice in Spanish. Offered when there is sufficient student interest. Prerequisite: Sufficient background in Spanish
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