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4.00 Credits
(Also MTH 440) 4 hours; 4 credits Postulate systems and their interpretations; sets, groups, rings, and ordered fields; partially ordered sets and lattices; theory of cardinal and ordinal numbers; well-ordered sets and transfinite induction; Boolean rings; mathematical logic. Prerequisite: MTH 339 or MTH 350
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 4 credits (also ECO 490 and POL 490) Selected topics in which ideas and approaches from economics, political science, and philosophy either mesh or collide will be explored. Required of all students expecting to graduate with Honors in political science, economics, or philosophy, but not limited to these students. Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of at least 16 credits in intermediate and advanced social science courses and permission of the instructor
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits An introduction to the practice of black and white photography. A study of the history and development of photography as an art form as well as basic principles and techniques of camera and darkroom practice. A prerequisite for all other studio photography courses.
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 4 credits Exploration and practice of historic and new methods and materials beyond the standard silver gelatin print. Students will learn to make pinhole cameras, paper negatives, wet-collodion negatives & ambroytpes, digital negatives for contact printing and different hand-coated printing processes. These practices will be put in historical and contemporary contexts by the introduction of different photographic movements, historical events, and through looking at the work of photographers using the processes. Prerequisite: PHO 120
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits The course combines an emphasis on interpretive camera and darkroom techniques with a thoughtful approach to the making of a photograph. Development of visual perception and individual style are emphasized. Fiber-based paper printing, toning, bleaching, pushed film processing, selective contrast, and an introduction to color are included. Prerequisite: PHO 120 or permission of the instructor
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits An introduction to expressive color photography, utilizing transparencies and color printing. Projects will explore the creative and technical possibilities of color film. The class will focus on color theory, field and studio production, and critiques of student work. Prerequisite: PHO 120 or permission of the instructor
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits An in-depth study of the concepts of narrative, sequence, story, and series, and their journalistic and artistic applications. An examination of how other photographers have employed these conventions in their work will be explored. Students will develop a body of work based on what they have learned.
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits Photography studio techniques. Students will work both in large and small formats, utilizing tungsten and studio strobe lighting. Techniques of still life, portraiture, fashion, and figure photography will be stressed. Prerequisite: PHO 120 or permission of the instructor
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits Goals and marketing for photography. The definition and preparation of a personal photographic portfolio. A survey of ideas leading to a photographic direction, and the techniques necessary to realize the portfolio needed to pursue that direction. Prerequisite: Any 200-level PHO course or permission of the instructor This course may be repeated for credit.
4.00 Credits
4 hours; 3 credits Methodology of producing pictures under totally controlled conditions. Lighting and camera techniques for portraiture, still life, and illustrations will be stressed. Both artistic concerns and professional studio practices are covered. Prerequisite: PHO 250 or permission of the instructor
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