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  • 3.00 Credits

    R. Geier Imagine repairing you body without surgery, driving a car that does not need gas, wearing clothes that never get dirty, enjoying abundance without damaging the environment, carrying a supercomputer in your back pocket, and taking an elevator to the moon. Such is the hope and the hype of nanotechnology - the study of materials and devices with dimensions on the nanoscale (1 x 10-9m, the realm of assemblies of molecules). This course provides an introduction to the science and potential implications of molecular nanotechnology. Scientific and sensationalist visions of nanotechnology are critically examined through a combination of readings, lectures, discussions, and hands-on activities. The course forges an appreciation for the nanoscale, an understanding of the excitement and the challenges, and an awareness of the societal and ethical implications of emerging technologies.
  • 3.00 Credits

    E. Galvez This course examines the eye from various points of view in the sciences: the physics of light and image formation; the physics, chemistry, and biology of light-detection by cells; the physiology of the human eye and the visual cortex; and the psychology of vision and perception. Class activities include hands-on experimentation and algebra-level mathematics. Discussion and projects also include other ways nature has developed to see.
  • 3.00 Credits

    T. McCay This course is a study of the conservation and management of natural resources, including forests, soils, streams, and wild animals. A scientific approach is used to understand the ways that people affect natural resources through their actions. Particular attention is paid to management activities, such as hunting and timber harvest. Students are confronted with the limitations of science in guiding moral decisions. Thus, the class also examines the role of ethical analysis in natural resource issues. Scientific and ethical approaches are used to formulate well-conceived opinions regarding how natural resources ought to be managed locally, nationally, and internationally. The course involves several weekend field trips.
  • 3.00 Credits

    P. Jue How have scientific and technological innovations influenced works of art, artistic expression, and media Conversely, has artistic expression fueled the technological development of artistic medium How are scientific methods used to determine the age and authenticity of works of art Students explore the science of light and color, the chemistry of pigments and their binders, and the material science and history of art media. In addition to lectures and discussions, students participate in small group hands-on projects. The course explores works of the West (Europe) and Asia, but the artistic expression of other cultures is considered as well. High school chemistry is beneficial, but not a requirement for the course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    D. McHugh Genetics is one of the fastest growing fields of science and, with the entire human genome now known, the potential impact of genetics is stronger than ever. This course focuses on how genes record human history and dictate human fate, how scientists are struggling with whether they can or should tinker with genetic destiny, and how the growth of genetic information and technology affects everyone's life, every day. Topics explored include the social and ethical implications of patenting genes, gene therapy, genetic screening, cloning, and defining diversity at the genetic level.
  • 3.00 Credits

    N. Pruitt How do humans know what is known about life on Earth This course looks at some of the major questions that have informed human understanding of the living world over the past 150 years. The course begins with perhaps the oldest biological question of all: why are there so many living things It shows how Charles Darwin's brilliant answer forms the foundation for much of modern biology. By following the path of discovery leading from Darwin, students learn about a devout monk named Gregor Mendel, a feisty chemist names Louis Pasteur, two brash young scientists named Watson and Crick, and many more. The course explores the great diversity of life, what fuels the living world, how organisms adapt to change, and aspects of how they interact with each other and with the physical environment. The approach is student-active and hands-on; students work together to unravel a few of the mysteries of life. This course is intended for those who are interested in biology but probably will not choose to major in the life sciences.
  • 3.00 Credits

    K. Carlsmith This course examines the moral and psychological bases for administering punishment to other people. Students begin by reading the works of moral philosophers such as Kant, Mill, and Bentham who provide opposing justifications for the right of society to punish those who break the law. As the semester progresses, the course's focus shifts to the psychological justifications that people use in day-to-day punishment. Students examine cutting-edge research from psychologists who examine the discrepancy between the reasons people give for punishment and the actual factors that determine their punishment. Thus, students first explore the "moral ought" question typical of philosophy, and second explore the "descriptive norms" of actual behavior that is typical of psychology. A major focus of the course is the epistemological question of how different disciplines derive knowledge, both in general and with regard to punishment. The course includes collection and analysis of empirical data, travel to a national conference on justice and the law, and guest speakers from outside of academ
  • 3.00 Credits

    K. Ingram If survival of the fittest is the law of the land, why are so many animals (including humans) compelled to live in cooperative, complex societies Cooperative behavior among organisms is recognized as one of the major transitions in evolutionary biology. Seeming to defy the selfish laws of natural selection, the evolution of social behavior has fascinated biologists, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, and economists alike. In this course, students explore the basic foundations of sociobiology, the study of social behavior in animals, and solve the paradox of how cooperative behaviors can evolve by natural selection. Using detailed case studies from organisms as diverse as dolphins, birds, ants, and humans, students discuss the mechanisms driving social interactions and the ecological and evolutionary consequences of cooperative behavior. Case studies include both classical ethological studies and cutting-edge research in animal behavior. Students discuss the philosophical, ethical, and political controversy that erupted with the emergence of sociobiology in the 1970s - a debate that is still smoldering today - and explore the application of social behavior principles to human behavior and the organization of human societies.
  • 3.00 Credits

    S. Kelly If one were a highly developed, extraterrestrial scientist with advanced technology to engineer organisms from other planets, how would one build a human baby What kind of brain would one design What kinds of social, emotional, and cognitive predispositions would be included What kind of environment would one provide To answer these questions, one must determine what is innate and what is learned in human development. Although this "nature-nurture" question can be traced back to ancient philosophers (right here on Earth!), modern-day science has made great strides in exploring (and reformulating) this question. In this class, students first explore some pop-culture approaches to this issue. Then, they briefly trace the history of the debate to its foundations in classical and modern philosophy. Finally, students compare these philosophical and pop-culture perspectives to modern-day scientific approaches. This is accomplished through primary and secondary readings, class discussions, and group presentations. In the end, students may discover that the answers to the "nature-nurture" question are not on a planet far, far way - but rather closer to home than they have ever be
  • 3.00 Credits

    P. Pinet This course explores the ways in which modern science, employing abstractions, logic, and quantification, effectively describes the workings of the natural world and provides a framework for considering new ethical relationships among humans, nonhumans, and the nonliving world. The course examines the ways in which scientific concepts, such as deep geologic time and Earth history, biological evolution and co-evolution, and ecosystem dynamics can inform humans about radical moral stances (e.g., biocentrism, deep ecology). Also, the course investigates whether a scientific perspective, in and of itself, is sufficient to resolve pressing environmental problems, most of which are the outcome of complex social, economic, political, philosophical, and historical forces that operate on regional and global scales.
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