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3.00 Credits
A. Swensen Studies of the German romantic movement and Junges Deutschland include readings from Tieck, Schlegel, Novalis, Brentano, Eichendorff, Heine, B rne, and Büchner. Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A. Swensen The turn of the century was a time of turmoil. Opposing views clashed and created "modernity." Taboos were shattered; psychology had its heyday; political art stood in contrast t o l'art pour l'a rt; utopias flourished. This course aims to give an idea of the richness and diversity of this era. Readings include not only works by such well-known authors as Heinrich and Thomas Mann, Hauptmann, Schnitzler, George, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Hesse, and Wedekind, who are more or less part of the literary canon, but also authors who belong to the influential world of trivial literature, such as Hedwig Courths-Mahler, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, and Karl May. Because literature cannot be separated from its historical context, the political background as well as the music and art of the time will also be part of the course. Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses or permission of instructo
3.00 Credits
C. Baldwin Because of the wealth of the material, selections vary from semester to semester. Works read may be those of "standard" authors such as Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Bert Brecht, and Günter Grass, or may come from contemporary authors, even ones who have not yet reached "canonical" status, e.g., Marcel Beyer, Thomas Brussig, Sten Nadolny, Bernhard Schlink, Ingo Schulze, W.G. Sebald, and Patrick Süskind. In the second instance, videoconferences with the authors are arranged whenever possible. Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses or permission of instruc
3.00 Credits
A. Swensen This course is a survey of selected examples of German poetry from the period of the baroque to the present. Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A. Swensen This examination of this unique German form from Goethe to the present emphasizes its 19th-century expression. Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Staff This course introduces the history and theory of drama and examines major dramatic works of the past three centuries. Works are selected from the oeuvres of such authors as Lessing, Goethe, Büchner, Hauptmann, Wedekind, Brecht, and Dürrenmatt. In the case of works by contemporary dramatists such as Botho Strauss and Peter Handke, students may have the chance to talk with the authors via videoconferences. The course may also include opera, e.g., works by Carl Maria von Weber, Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss, and Alban Berg. Whenever possible, students will view videotaped or filmed performances, sometimes from theater archives. Collaboration with Colgate's theater program and a theater in Germany are, in some years, at the center of this course. Prerequisite: two GERM 300-level courses or permission of instructor
3.00 Credits
Staff Devoted to the honors project, this course must be taken in addition to the eight courses required for the major. Although it is a year-long course, students register for it once, in the spring semester of the senior year. See "Honors and High Honors," above.
3.00 Credits
N. Rood, Staff An introductory study of the elements of the Greek language. A thorough and methodical approach to the basics is supplemented, as students progress, by selected readings of works by ancient authors.
3.00 Credits
Staff This intermediate-level course in the Greek language focuses on readings in one or more of the following prose authors: Xenophon, Herodotus, Plato. Students increase their knowledge of Greek grammar and style while devoting attention to literary, historical, or philosophical analysis. Prerequisite: GREK 121 and 122. Students with high school background in Greek may be admitted.
3.00 Credits
Staff An intermediate-level course in the Greek language with readings from one of the following poets: Sophocles, Homer, Euripides. Students increase their knowledge of Greek grammar and style and of the basic literary and technical aspects of Greek poetry. Prerequisite: GREK 121 and 122. Students with high school background in Greek may be admitted. 300-level courses are taught in a multi-year rotation with a view to special interests demonstrated by students. In a given year, at least two of the following courses are offered:
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